Left of the Projector


On Left of the Projector we discuss from film from a leftist perspective. Episodes will feature guests who will offer their thoughts on films from a shared interest in class consciousness and personal experience.

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  • All
  • 2000s
  • history in film
  • horror
  • 80s
  • john carpenter
  • bonus
  • live
  • turn leftist
  • 90s
  • action
  • comedy
  • lord of the rings
  • fantasy
  • drama
  • arnold schwarzenegger
  • comics
  • aliens
  • 70s
  • 40s
  • kubrick
  • horr
  • political
  • 60s
  • zombies
  • guest appearance
  • satire
  • family
  • christmas
  • animated
  • coen bros
  • vampires
  • noir
  • neo-noir
  • mcu
  • soviet
  • sci-fi
  • dune