Episode 170
TV BONUS: Severance: Season 2, Episodes 1-4
Red and SmirkGently join me to discuss Season 1 and Season 2, episode 1-4.
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Track 1: Hello and welcome to Left of the Projector. I'm your host, Evan,
Speaker:Track 1: back again with another film discussion from the left.
Speaker:Track 1: You can follow the show at leftoftheprojector.com.
Speaker:Track 1: For the first time ever on this podcast, we'll be talking about a TV show.
Speaker:Track 1: Actually, I lie, I did start another episode on another TV show that we didn't
Speaker:Track 1: finish, so I promise listeners we will finish this one.
Speaker:Track 1: We will complete a full season two of the show, Severance.
Speaker:Track 1: So anyone who has been waiting for
Speaker:Track 1: several years since the first season came out you were finally vindicated with
Speaker:Track 1: the second season so we're going to discuss the first season a bit and then
Speaker:Track 1: dive into the first four episodes of season two with me to discuss i have red
Speaker:Track 1: and smirk gently thank you both for being severed to the podcast.
Speaker:Track 2: Thank you for having me yeah.
Speaker:Track 3: Thank you so much i've been so excited to talk about this.
Speaker:Track 1: Yeah we've been uh i've been well i think what's crazy is right you just literally
Speaker:Track 1: just watched the first season for the first time.
Speaker:Track 2: And like just you're.
Speaker:Track 1: Just like went you just like dove into the rabbit hole.
Speaker:Track 2: Well yeah because okay i kept getting like uh tiktoks of people in a glass,
Speaker:Track 2: apparatus and ben stiller taking pictures of them and said glass apparatus and
Speaker:Track 2: i was like weird don't like that moving on and then i got tiktok edits of the show and i was like oh,
Speaker:Track 2: that looks good and there's this very specific
Speaker:Track 2: edit um and I was like okay yeah I'll watch it
Speaker:Track 2: and in the comments everybody was talking about how the
Speaker:Track 2: trailers of the show do not do the show justice they should just hire tiktok
Speaker:Track 2: editors to promote the show because they're not doing a good job so then I went
Speaker:Track 2: and watched the trailer and I was like they're right actually now I don't even
Speaker:Track 2: know if I want to watch it but I committed watched it and I loved it obviously
Speaker:Track 2: because I watched it in like a week.
Speaker:Track 3: I did kind of the same thing. I not because of TikTok necessarily,
Speaker:Track 3: but I just people kept talking about it. And I had seen it.
Speaker:Track 3: Evan, you had recommended it or you said you added it to your thing.
Speaker:Track 3: And I was like, oh, yeah, I got to give that a shot. And I started the first
Speaker:Track 3: episode and I got like distracted.
Speaker:Track 3: And this was like, I don't know, months ago. And I was like, I'll come back to it.
Speaker:Track 3: And then I don't know, I just dove in and then I watched like three episodes in a night.
Speaker:Track 3: And then I think it took me, yeah, maybe a week to finish the first season.
Speaker:Track 3: I was like oh my god i'm so glad i waited though because i don't know if i could
Speaker:Track 3: what was it like three years between seasons yeah.
Speaker:Track 2: It was literally.
Speaker:Track 3: Three years that would have pissed me off so bad i am gonna be mad when this
Speaker:Track 3: one ends but yeah no i'm glad i waited um,
Speaker:Track 3: Wow. Yeah, it blew me away. It's so good.
Speaker:Track 1: So, I mean, I think for anyone who hasn't, obviously, you probably aren't listening
Speaker:Track 1: if you haven't seen it yet.
Speaker:Track 1: But the for just like as a very, like the simplest introduction to the show
Speaker:Track 1: I can think of is that literally a group of people work for a company called
Speaker:Track 1: Lumen in a undisclosed kind of made up state city kind of place.
Speaker:Track 1: you know everything is kind of very weird and when they
Speaker:Track 1: are at home they're an outie and they live their life that you
Speaker:Track 1: live like when you're at your apartment when you're recording podcasts
Speaker:Track 1: and such and then when you go to work of slip flip
Speaker:Track 1: switches in your brain and you can only exist with this
Speaker:Track 1: inner any personality or any person
Speaker:Track 1: that's working in this highly weird bizarre place and uh that's the life you
Speaker:Track 1: live and i think what's so compelling to me when i first saw it was this is
Speaker:Track 1: kind of like what most people probably experience in reality of like these two
Speaker:Track 1: different selves you have when you're at work and when you're at home, your personal life.
Speaker:Track 1: And it's, I don't know, again, we can probably talk about like what we think
Speaker:Track 1: Ben Stiller was actually going for, you know, does he, was he going for the
Speaker:Track 1: Marx alienated labor, you know, situation, or is he simply just,
Speaker:Track 1: this is just a really interesting idea.
Speaker:Track 1: Like there's so many things about it that are kind
Speaker:Track 1: of mysterious still like every episode you learn
Speaker:Track 1: a little bit more but then you also are given some new mystery it's
Speaker:Track 1: one of those kind of shows where just nothing is ever really fully explained
Speaker:Track 1: just you get like a partial explanation and then maybe five episodes later you
Speaker:Track 1: get an explanation if you're lucky so i don't know i don't know what you made
Speaker:Track 1: of it like in terms of its overall message or i don't know.
Speaker:Track 3: It has like a it has like a twin peaks sort of vibe to it with how much it leaves
Speaker:Track 3: you wondering about these little details which are all very intentional like
Speaker:Track 3: you can tell as you're watching it like everything in each shot has a purpose,
Speaker:Track 3: which is i don't want to sound like some like shitty tv snob
Speaker:Track 3: or whatever but that's not you don't get that as much with like
Speaker:Track 3: the streaming platform tv shows
Speaker:Track 3: because they're all just pumped out constantly there's like something new
Speaker:Track 3: on netflix every other week and like half of it's crap
Speaker:Track 3: but this you can tell that like they're
Speaker:Track 3: leaving little breadcrumbs everywhere and
Speaker:Track 3: you'll see like there's like
Speaker:Track 3: a random thing like um what's his name dylan like
Speaker:Track 3: his kid will be watching something on the tv and it'll be like a cartoon and
Speaker:Track 3: it'll be like i think there was one shot or he was watching a cartoon and it
Speaker:Track 3: was like a brain getting hit by lightning or something And then the next scene
Speaker:Track 3: is talking about the, um, the sovereign's procedure.
Speaker:Track 3: And it's just, it's like, yeah, it, it just, it draws you in and it makes you
Speaker:Track 3: want to just know what the hell's going on without getting too much away at the same time.
Speaker:Track 1: What do you think, Brad?
Speaker:Track 2: I think that is definitely a fair assessment.
Speaker:Track 2: I really love thrillers specifically in TV show format because I don't feel
Speaker:Track 2: like movies are long enough to get really in depth with a thriller.
Speaker:Track 2: However, I don't know if y'all know who I think it's Mike Flanagan.
Speaker:Track 2: And he makes lots of like limited series on Netflix.
Speaker:Track 2: All of them are really good, honestly. but one
Speaker:Track 2: thing i noticed with a lot of them is that there's
Speaker:Track 2: lots of plot holes um and they
Speaker:Track 2: never really get answered and i hate
Speaker:Track 2: that about the thriller genre and like modern day
Speaker:Track 2: anyway i haven't watched lots of like old thrillers so
Speaker:Track 2: hard for me to compare but in any which way as it
Speaker:Track 2: is currently um hard to find thrillers that
Speaker:Track 2: are like consistent and keep up with these
Speaker:Track 2: like huge plot lines that that they start developing
Speaker:Track 2: and i'm happy to see that in severance i
Speaker:Track 2: also think that severance whether intentional
Speaker:Track 2: or not is very political um and i think even if it is unintentional is because
Speaker:Track 2: the workplace is already just so dystopian like we are at a point in capitalism
Speaker:Track 2: where like really regardless of your like ideology you just know that like.
Speaker:Track 2: Being a working class person under capitalism is not like
Speaker:Track 2: fun like this is not or not this is
Speaker:Track 2: not we're not having a good time um and so
Speaker:Track 2: i don't know i think it's almost hard
Speaker:Track 2: at this point in capitalism to like make a workplace tv
Speaker:Track 2: show of any capacity and not have it be dystopian to some extent so um and that's
Speaker:Track 2: me almost not giving ben stiller the capacity of caring about carl marx or capitalism
Speaker:Track 2: or anything like that because that's really hard for me to believe.
Speaker:Track 3: Well yeah he's i can't imagine that he's really meaningfully connected to that
Speaker:Track 3: experience in any way i just,
Speaker:Track 3: I mean, obviously, I don't know Ben Stiller, but I know that he's like he's
Speaker:Track 3: like the child of comedy people and he's been, you know, connected to that realm his entire life.
Speaker:Track 3: So, yeah, I mean, but you're right. You can't you can't write and create something
Speaker:Track 3: like this about a workplace without having that dystopian element,
Speaker:Track 3: because otherwise it's not going to feel real, even for something as fantastical as this.
Speaker:Track 1: So just this morning, someone posted on some platform, I forget where,
Speaker:Track 1: which ironically was a film that you discussed on the show, Red,
Speaker:Track 1: which was The Night of the Living Dead.
Speaker:Track 1: And so they're talking about the film and how Romero claimed that the film was
Speaker:Track 1: not meant to be political, despite the fact that, like, we talked about this.
Speaker:Track 1: You can go back and listen to this.
Speaker:Track 2: Yeah, we talked about it a lot.
Speaker:Track 1: So he's trying to say the film's not political. It is.
Speaker:Track 1: I think he's just lying. He's just saying that because it's easier to just kind
Speaker:Track 1: of let it simmer that way.
Speaker:Track 1: And I think probably Dan Erickson, who's the guy who created Severance along
Speaker:Track 1: with Ben Stiller, I suspect it has more intentional political aspects.
Speaker:Track 1: I mean, how can you not live, even if you're like a super rich person,
Speaker:Track 1: as Ben Stiller is, you still see the world around you, whether or not you actually
Speaker:Track 1: experience these things that,
Speaker:Track 1: you know, for yourself, you know, you understand it, you work with people in
Speaker:Track 1: TV shows and movies that are just like just starting out.
Speaker:Track 1: they're working, you know, 60 hours a week or 80 hours a week to just make ends
Speaker:Track 1: meet on a show he's on making millions.
Speaker:Track 1: I think he's more connected and understands the world around him far more than
Speaker:Track 1: we probably, not necessarily we, but like people would probably give him credit
Speaker:Track 1: for. I don't think again, he's not reading Karl Marx.
Speaker:Track 2: You can say we about me, honestly, because that was, that's genuinely helpful
Speaker:Track 2: because I don't know, I go back and forth with this a lot.
Speaker:Track 2: I think it's just like an empathy based thing for me and that like it can be
Speaker:Track 2: hard to one relate to people of like a different class than you but secondarily
Speaker:Track 2: like think that they possess the ability to know that like,
Speaker:Track 2: america's the bad place and that even the art they're making is a reflection
Speaker:Track 2: of that but i think what you say is correct and that it reflects that like it's
Speaker:Track 2: a it's like the luck of the draw that's what's so bad about capitalism in a
Speaker:Track 2: lot of ways is that you don't like there's no equity like If you're just born
Speaker:Track 2: to be Ben Stiller, congratulations.
Speaker:Track 2: Now you have all this money and time to make shows. But you're right.
Speaker:Track 2: You can still exist in a reality where you're seeing all of these working class
Speaker:Track 2: people around you have to work a million times harder than you to not even do
Speaker:Track 2: a fraction of what you get to do.
Speaker:Track 2: So I agree. We was included, but no longer.
Speaker:Track 3: But it makes sense, though. Because, I mean, we know.
Speaker:Track 3: They've done studies, but also just based on people's personal anecdotal experience.
Speaker:Track 3: The amount of wealth and access and privilege you have does have a,
Speaker:Track 3: direct correlation usually to the amount of empathy and understanding that people
Speaker:Track 3: tend to display and even feel.
Speaker:Track 3: So it's fair to kind of harbor that sort of judgment because I do too.
Speaker:Track 3: But yeah, it's good to temper that with understanding that like,
Speaker:Track 3: yeah, people can rise above that. People have, but yeah.
Speaker:Track 1: Or at least create art knowing that he
Speaker:Track 1: may not experience this but someone does
Speaker:Track 1: you know and so i think like i just
Speaker:Track 1: looked it up he's worth 200 million dollars like that's that's
Speaker:Track 1: you know that's a lot that's a lot of money and you
Speaker:Track 1: know uh love you know he could give every person on
Speaker:Track 1: the set for severance like hundred thousand dollars and it would you know not
Speaker:Track 1: make a dent in his in his uh life savings or whatever but you know we don't
Speaker:Track 1: have to like harp on that i think again like this this is one of those things
Speaker:Track 1: too i always say this with like movies like The Menu, which again, you were on.
Speaker:Track 1: So I can bring up those like another movie where it's like talking about class
Speaker:Track 1: and these kinds of things, but from clearly a studio that's like Netflix or Apple TV.
Speaker:Track 1: So, you know, they're going to commercialize the hell out of anything,
Speaker:Track 1: whether it's slightly pro-capitalism or like very anti-capitalist.
Speaker:Track 1: Whereas this, I think you could probably read this, if you're like a conservative,
Speaker:Track 1: of like you probably read this completely differently i don't even.
Speaker:Track 2: Yes because as i found
Speaker:Track 2: military intelligence bros watch this show
Speaker:Track 2: and they think the play is about them but they like don't think like oh how
Speaker:Track 2: like like how awful it could like oh no i can't believe i'm living this reality
Speaker:Track 2: they just like almost think it's cool and that's fucking crazy to me how could
Speaker:Track 2: you think this is cool like it's oh come on.
Speaker:Track 3: That's so sad that's a real that's a real part was that on reddit and was it like a reddit thing.
Speaker:Track 2: Yes and it is like copium i think to some extent of like i don't know when you're
Speaker:Track 2: in that world right like you can't really spend a lot of time thinking about
Speaker:Track 2: the work you're doing or else like you won't do that work anymore sure yeah.
Speaker:Track 3: That's where cognitive dissonance comes in. Like you have to kind of build walls
Speaker:Track 3: between your empathy and understanding and your reality, you know,
Speaker:Track 3: and keep putting bricks in, in the form of, you know, cope, whatever way you can.
Speaker:Track 1: So with that, since you mentioned the military or whatever kind of people,
Speaker:Track 1: the first thing I said before we jumped on was you go on Reddit,
Speaker:Track 1: you go on places, there's theories upon theories upon theories of things, predictions.
Speaker:Track 1: So I'm curious if you have a crazy, it doesn't have to be crazy,
Speaker:Track 1: any theories about season two.
Speaker:Track 1: So again, for people listening, we've watched up until the date of recording
Speaker:Track 1: of this, which is episode four, season two.
Speaker:Track 1: so things like have already progressed drastically from
Speaker:Track 1: the first season the first after the first episode i'm like it doesn't
Speaker:Track 1: done a whole lot and then all of a sudden they're like nope season two
Speaker:Track 1: we're gonna hit you again and then see episode three hit you again and then
Speaker:Track 1: episode four is just like really just uh you know i can't believe there's an
Speaker:Track 1: article that that said after the first six episodes of this season that it wasn't
Speaker:Track 1: going anywhere like what the fuck are they watching i think they just wanted
Speaker:Track 1: to be like contrarian or something i don't know.
Speaker:Track 2: Country i I was literally about to say they want to be like edgy and contrarian about the show.
Speaker:Track 2: I've noticed people like I will lurk on Reddit sometimes with fan theories.
Speaker:Track 2: If I'm super early on watching the episode, I may post on them or like a throwaway account or whatever.
Speaker:Track 2: But I won't with the show because people are super weird about it.
Speaker:Track 2: And they're like, oh, all of your fan theories are stupid and dumb.
Speaker:Track 2: And you're taking it way too far. And that's never real. and i'm like interesting
Speaker:Track 2: how an episode season two episode four i got proven right when all of you were
Speaker:Track 2: calling me delirious and crazy for thinking something could happen like this.
Speaker:Track 1: But do you but so my that was like a long way i don't think i got to my question like do you have any.
Speaker:Track 2: Crazy theories like a fan theory.
Speaker:Track 1: That it doesn't have to be one that's proven right like one that's like that's
Speaker:Track 1: still out there and i think red you're the one that we were talking about you know.
Speaker:Track 2: I've got like two okay.
Speaker:Track 1: Let's hear it let's hear you can you can give us two.
Speaker:Track 2: Okay well should i leave like i have one that just got proven should i should
Speaker:Track 2: i we'll see we'll wait we'll.
Speaker:Track 1: Talk about the episodes like the four episodes.
Speaker:Track 2: Okay so don't okay okay okay so my just theory no no proof nothing at all i'm
Speaker:Track 2: just going off the straight vibes here is that macro data refinement is okay
Speaker:Track 2: hold on let me start from the beginning you've got your little severance pen
Speaker:Track 2: thing in your brain, right?
Speaker:Track 2: And it goes based on like specific.
Speaker:Track 2: Brain waves, the multiple types, whatever they're called.
Speaker:Track 2: And when you do macro data refinement, you are basically feeling feelings of numbers.
Speaker:Track 2: I don't think that that is like, that's a very individualized experience.
Speaker:Track 2: So like if we were doing MDR right now, numbers that make me scared may make
Speaker:Track 2: Evan super happy, you know, you get what I'm saying?
Speaker:Track 2: So all of this to say, I think MDR is improving the severance itself.
Speaker:Track 2: And they are essentially deleting their own memories of the outside world to
Speaker:Track 2: be better severed individuals.
Speaker:Track 2: And the reason why I've come to this conclusion is because Gemma,
Speaker:Track 2: Miss Casey, she has to exist in this world to some capacity.
Speaker:Track 2: and not in just like a love like oh
Speaker:Track 2: my my widowed life i think everything is
Speaker:Track 2: a lot deeper in the show than what they lead on to be
Speaker:Track 2: and so i think that's essentially going to be like the gut clincher is that
Speaker:Track 2: mark s every day goes to work and kills his wife through deleting all of his
Speaker:Track 2: memories about her and they're all doing that to some capacity i could be wrong that's my theory what.
Speaker:Track 1: Do you got.
Speaker:Track 3: I like that that's a bummer but i like it um devastating so i think in this
Speaker:Track 3: um okay so we're doing like broad not just for like season two anything anything
Speaker:Track 3: about the show all right your world's your oyster i think i think it's possible
Speaker:Track 3: that the whole severance procedure,
Speaker:Track 3: and the way that they're doing it now not sure exactly how it ties in with the
Speaker:Track 3: macro data refinement that they're doing but it might be something along the
Speaker:Track 3: lines of what you're saying But I think it's kind of like a soft launch,
Speaker:Track 3: like test run for eventually a way for people to if they can afford it or probably
Speaker:Track 3: starting with Lumen executives.
Speaker:Track 3: rent out space in a body like split
Speaker:Track 3: your consciousness and you can sell part of your day to some rich fuck who who
Speaker:Track 3: you know like some elon shithead type who who wants to live on forever but not
Speaker:Track 3: in a machine in your i don't know like 30 year old bod until they want to hop to the next one that's.
Speaker:Track 1: Like reminds me of like being john malkovich.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah like that but without cameron diaz.
Speaker:Track 1: That's that i when you were like halfway through that i'm like wait this is
Speaker:Track 1: interesting and then you went like a completely different direction i didn't expect that.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah i think and i can't remember there was a
Speaker:Track 3: because as i'm watching this there's
Speaker:Track 3: like things about it that remind me of some
Speaker:Track 3: like random like sci-fi short story type
Speaker:Track 3: stuff i've read about the whole concept of like cloning yourself and the ethics
Speaker:Track 3: of that like making a copy of yourself to do the stuff that you don't want to
Speaker:Track 3: do um or fuck it multiplicity you know he doesn't want to take care of his kids
Speaker:Track 3: and and he wants to be able to go to work so he makes he makes clones of himself or whatever um,
Speaker:Track 3: but the ethics that go into that because you're making a person with full consciousness
Speaker:Track 3: who has to just work constantly they don't have any say in their life literally like.
Speaker:Track 2: All they know.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah so what if what if instead of that well people don't seem to like this
Speaker:Track 3: you know lumen has has figured out an even better way that you can serve Kier and it's to gift people,
Speaker:Track 3: part of your life and your time and your body basically shut off your brain
Speaker:Track 3: and let some fucko use it for.
Speaker:Track 1: Like 12.
Speaker:Track 3: Hours a day or something i don't know but that's my.
Speaker:Track 1: I like i like that one that's i mean both these are like not even really far-fetched
Speaker:Track 1: to be honest like when i think about this like anything could really be possible yeah.
Speaker:Track 2: That's it i think you're right though that they kind of like could mesh together
Speaker:Track 2: because mine is like specific of mdr and yours is broader to just like the whole procedure entirely.
Speaker:Track 1: Yeah because.
Speaker:Track 3: Like what if what you're saying is a way to refine the macro data that makes that.
Speaker:Track 2: Personality to more easily like put.
Speaker:Track 3: It into the person yeah.
Speaker:Track 2: That's why i literally that's another reason why i was like oh i'm a genius
Speaker:Track 2: because why would they name it macro data refinement if they're not refining the suffering.
Speaker:Track 1: And it also makes me think why heli as
Speaker:Track 1: you know part of the family to go in
Speaker:Track 1: herself is that she has to like test it she could
Speaker:Track 1: be testing the memories and also doing what you're
Speaker:Track 1: saying which is oh i could figure out how i could also
Speaker:Track 1: rent out like it's she's like testing it for the company i
Speaker:Track 1: mean what's what better way to prove your loyalty to
Speaker:Track 1: kira than uh then you know sever yourself so
Speaker:Track 1: here here's my theory then this isn't probably that maybe
Speaker:Track 1: it's not as uh deep but because there's so
Speaker:Track 1: many different bizarre rooms you have like the picture
Speaker:Track 1: room you have the the goat room you have
Speaker:Track 1: all these just bizarre different groups of
Speaker:Track 1: people that have just such targeted tasks that don't
Speaker:Track 1: make any sense i like and i i think the whole entire thing very much reminds
Speaker:Track 1: me of just mk ultra they're conditioning people with different tasks you know
Speaker:Track 1: uh goat herding or you know being the person who's feeding them like there's
Speaker:Track 1: that what's the room they want to reach to where there's like different like tubes and things.
Speaker:Track 1: What was that other? It's from the first season. There's another department.
Speaker:Track 2: There was a tube room?
Speaker:Track 1: Wasn't there a room where they're like sending messages constantly?
Speaker:Track 1: Did I misremember that? Maybe not.
Speaker:Track 3: Sounds like you're describing another department. I feel like it's right.
Speaker:Track 1: It doesn't matter as much. But like, I think the whole thing is something like
Speaker:Track 1: there's something in there that's not just changing their brainwaves so that
Speaker:Track 1: they can function in different ways. They're testing them in other things.
Speaker:Track 1: Like they always give them these weird treats, like pineapple, like
Speaker:Track 1: all of the things they're giving them are like very specific there's
Speaker:Track 1: nothing is accident weird dude like bobbing for
Speaker:Track 1: pineapples you're right it's all very like you're right it could be a memory
Speaker:Track 1: from the outside that they have that they like pineapples so let's see what
Speaker:Track 1: happens when we give you pineapples on the inside like all this like mind control
Speaker:Track 1: type of thing so i don't know maybe how they can control people better to you
Speaker:Track 1: know work horrible menial jobs and and stuff i don't know,
Speaker:Track 1: It's not very full fleshed out theory.
Speaker:Track 2: No, that's okay, because I
Speaker:Track 2: think that also goes in line with when you see Miss Casey with the candle,
Speaker:Track 2: and Marcus is literally sculpting out the fucking tree that his late wife, may she rest in peace,
Speaker:Track 2: crashed into and died at, supposedly.
Speaker:Track 2: I think you're right. I will never get over what happens to Marcus.
Speaker:Track 2: But also, he kind of sucks all of the time. sorry let me not get controversial
Speaker:Track 2: but he's always pissing me off everything he does i'm like what the fuck are
Speaker:Track 2: you actually doing are you stupid no.
Speaker:Track 3: He's like my least favorite character honestly.
Speaker:Track 1: Like i i.
Speaker:Track 2: Love invested him but like oh my gosh everything yeah a very complex character
Speaker:Track 2: and i yeah that's something that draws me in about the show too is that the
Speaker:Track 2: main character is so like i'm so angry and then i'm so empathetic like just
Speaker:Track 2: feels very human it's very easy to feel very just wrapped up in this show.
Speaker:Track 1: Yeah and so um i guess to go i
Speaker:Track 1: mean we didn't really talk about season one but sort of the ending of
Speaker:Track 1: season one like the culmination of everything that happens is in the
Speaker:Track 1: very final moments they're able to figure out how to
Speaker:Track 1: turn off or flip off the severance procedure while
Speaker:Track 1: they're all of them are outside to kind of see what will happen and so
Speaker:Track 1: they all briefly are awakened to their
Speaker:Track 1: you know in the outie world but with their innie personality and
Speaker:Track 1: so it's almost like seeing the world for the first time
Speaker:Track 1: like seeing their kids for the first time they're what you know their wives to
Speaker:Track 1: give any others everything and it just you know leaves you
Speaker:Track 1: on it just like what the fuck just happened and then you come
Speaker:Track 1: back into season two and you're immediately basically
Speaker:Track 1: it the very first episode is like very confusing and
Speaker:Track 1: it's just you know uh i don't know like in
Speaker:Track 1: the same way that they're also very confused i think there's a really good
Speaker:Track 1: job with like the camera cinematography of making you
Speaker:Track 1: feel the same things that they're feeling you know
Speaker:Track 1: all of the halls they work in are like long and white
Speaker:Track 1: and just weird and like you
Speaker:Track 1: it's almost amazing that they're even able to film themselves
Speaker:Track 1: walking down just not that many hallways and making it seem like it's
Speaker:Track 1: just endless it's just this endless you
Speaker:Track 1: know it's like being in an ikea or something where you're just like i can't
Speaker:Track 1: find my way like oh this is like the lamp section like what mirrors i don't
Speaker:Track 1: know so i don't know that so i guess coming into like the second season like
Speaker:Track 1: i guess generally do you think that they've like paid off so far with you know
Speaker:Track 1: how it ended like bringing it back.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah i think so i think like going into that first episode of this season because
Speaker:Track 3: if i'm remembering correct i should have looked at the synopses because it was
Speaker:Track 3: like a week ago two weeks ago so the first episode of the second season is when
Speaker:Track 3: he it's mostly you're you're seeing what's going on with mark right.
Speaker:Track 1: Yes okay that's the crazy camera like scene that apparently took them five months
Speaker:Track 1: to film which is insane yeah.
Speaker:Track 3: There's just it's it's like a whirlwind to watch like there's just so much going
Speaker:Track 3: on um but yeah to see to see their experiences um,
Speaker:Track 3: As it's all happening and he's okay. I have to, now I have to look it up.
Speaker:Track 1: Well, this is like, so he gets back to work and it's like, he has a whole new
Speaker:Track 1: team of people and he's just like flipping out over all of this.
Speaker:Track 3: And he doesn't even know how much time has passed to like, just like,
Speaker:Track 3: he basically ceases to exist, which is just such a mind.
Speaker:Track 3: Like every, and you like know that when you're watching the first season,
Speaker:Track 3: but it really hits in that episode. And he's like, it's so it's been three months.
Speaker:Track 2: It does.
Speaker:Track 3: Excuse the fuck out of me. It's been three months. Hold on. And like,
Speaker:Track 3: I just blinked. That's crazy. Yeah.
Speaker:Track 1: And that's the thing. Time passes differently for both of their versions of themselves, right?
Speaker:Track 1: Like they could theoretically be like, oh, we're going to have a sleepover at
Speaker:Track 1: the office and you could be there for days.
Speaker:Track 1: And then when you go back out, you don't realize you've been gone.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah. Unless there's like dust on your car or something. Yeah. You would have.
Speaker:Track 1: Right. Yeah. The newspaper, I guess you could see. Oh, I guess you wouldn't
Speaker:Track 1: know. Right. Well, I don't know.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah.
Speaker:Track 2: See, I think this is where it reminds me of workplaces. and
Speaker:Track 2: specifically because i live next to a really large intelligence base
Speaker:Track 2: that like you're not allowed outside technology of
Speaker:Track 2: any capacity really and there's no windows
Speaker:Track 2: so anything could happen literally anything and you just like you are not for
Speaker:Track 2: eight hours a day or however long you're there 12 hour shifts whatever you just
Speaker:Track 2: are not tapped into the outside world at all and so that's where it also just feels so tied in to,
Speaker:Track 2: in my opinion, to like the military industrial complex, like a critique of it.
Speaker:Track 2: Sorry to just ramble, but.
Speaker:Track 1: No, that's actually was a theory I thought you were going to mention earlier,
Speaker:Track 1: right? Was just like that this is like a critique of the military kind of intelligence bubble.
Speaker:Track 2: I do think it is largely. There's so much about it, like just little details,
Speaker:Track 2: the hallways, how complicated and long the hallways are.
Speaker:Track 2: There's no windows, everything's so sterile um
Speaker:Track 2: the propaganda uh again the lapse of time the time feels so weird and then um
Speaker:Track 2: Irving and his backstory I think is also like a direct reflection of that ex-military
Speaker:Track 2: what do we know about military intelligence most of them are ex-military that end up,
Speaker:Track 2: going to the contractor world or the government world so like i think there's
Speaker:Track 2: lots of little things that lead to this huge conclusion to me and i think that's
Speaker:Track 2: why intel bros watch the show and go on reddit and they're like is this fucking
Speaker:Track 2: play about us because it's actually about them i think they see that and it's
Speaker:Track 2: affirming in some weird way.
Speaker:Track 1: Yeah i mean if it
Speaker:Track 1: is if that's kind of what they're going for that it's this
Speaker:Track 1: more military critique i think that it's
Speaker:Track 1: but the majority of people who are watching this are not military people
Speaker:Track 1: and they still identify with this concept and one of the things one of
Speaker:Track 1: the notes i wrote when watching the first episode of the second season was i
Speaker:Track 1: think that they they tell their outies or the
Speaker:Track 1: outies tell them about how they're being tortured like i think that that was
Speaker:Track 1: the whole thing like they're being tortured inside they literally went into
Speaker:Track 1: that weird room where they have to repeat a phrase over and over like that is
Speaker:Track 1: psychological torture for them but people on the outside then like they lied
Speaker:Track 1: to the world as to what was really happening.
Speaker:Track 1: Like it's people, most people don't believe that, you know, like Amazon work
Speaker:Track 1: warehouse people are being like worked to death and they have to like pee in
Speaker:Track 1: a bottle because they don't have breaks and all these horrible things.
Speaker:Track 1: People know this, but it doesn't really stop them from doing it.
Speaker:Track 1: You know, it's like these things that we just have to have accepted or I don't
Speaker:Track 1: know, part of society that these companies like Lumen are just doing evil shit
Speaker:Track 1: and like, what are we going to do? I don't know.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah, I think people are kind of trained to compartmentalize to an extent because you kind of have to.
Speaker:Track 3: Like, if you're going to get through the day, and I think this is how people
Speaker:Track 3: rationalize it, and we all do it sometimes, but you're going to get through
Speaker:Track 3: the day and you're going to do all the shit you need to do to survive.
Speaker:Track 3: You can't get hung up on every little thing.
Speaker:Track 3: And more often than not, for a lot of people, I think it ends up being that
Speaker:Track 3: everything becomes one of those little things except for what immediately affects you.
Speaker:Track 3: So like, yeah, you might know that Amazon delivery drivers have to piss in bottles
Speaker:Track 3: because if they're like two minutes off of their schedule, then they're not
Speaker:Track 3: getting paid the right amount for all the time they're still on the road.
Speaker:Track 3: You just put that in a different part of your brain because you also have shit going on, you know?
Speaker:Track 1: No. I mean, I think that's where the area where I think that Ben Stiller does,
Speaker:Track 1: like, distill the essence or the, it's like, you know, distill down the essence
Speaker:Track 1: of just the average working person can identify with this.
Speaker:Track 1: But then also a conservative who works in military or, you know,
Speaker:Track 1: it's somehow like it, everyone can take something from it.
Speaker:Track 1: But I think the overall message is just companies are fucking evil.
Speaker:Track 1: they don't care about you and like the entire like little gifts and treats they
Speaker:Track 1: give them is such a like pizza party vibe like it's so hard not to to see that
Speaker:Track 1: and just be like these they just don't give a shit about you at all milchek
Speaker:Track 1: does not care about his as his workers.
Speaker:Track 3: He is just like the exact archetype
Speaker:Track 3: of that shitty overzealous middle manager that
Speaker:Track 3: anybody who's worked in and i would imagine nearly all industries
Speaker:Track 3: could understand the type i'm talking
Speaker:Track 3: about because most of us have seen one we're like you know
Speaker:Track 3: this is a person you know he's a human being but at some point he's decided
Speaker:Track 3: that while he's at work and while he's dealing with people who are
Speaker:Track 3: also human beings he's just not going to treat them
Speaker:Track 3: like that and he's going to create this whole
Speaker:Track 3: other persona because he's not he's not severed neither is
Speaker:Track 3: mrs cobell like all the
Speaker:Track 3: management types are fully intact well
Speaker:Track 3: that's i didn't mean to say intact it's not
Speaker:Track 3: that kind of show um not that kind of show
Speaker:Track 3: um we didn't even talk about the waffle party which i don't
Speaker:Track 3: know how we breezed right past that but we'll come back around to
Speaker:Track 3: it but these are all people who are not severed and
Speaker:Track 3: they've just made the conscious decision to act like this
Speaker:Track 3: is all they know and that's all there could be like to an
Speaker:Track 3: extent like you understand why people who are
Speaker:Track 3: severed act the way they do at work like they retain certain aspects
Speaker:Track 3: of their personalities and they still act like people heli is the
Speaker:Track 3: one who when she shows up seems like a wild card because
Speaker:Track 3: she just got there and she's like she's just she's like this is all bullshit
Speaker:Track 3: and weird like why am i even here but the rest of them have been there just
Speaker:Track 3: long enough where it's the only thing they know other people it's like no you're
Speaker:Track 3: choosing this every single day pay better be fucking good and.
Speaker:Track 1: To be in middle management you really have to like buy into like the bullshit of a company to.
Speaker:Track 3: Like you're.
Speaker:Track 1: The one who's literally trying to spread the gospel of
Speaker:Track 1: cure or whatever right you need them to buy into some
Speaker:Track 1: you know bullshit thing about whatever you know something which really in essence
Speaker:Track 1: is just stock line go up for shareholder you know like i literally so it's middle
Speaker:Track 1: yeah middle everyone yeah I've experienced some brutal middle management types.
Speaker:Track 1: Maybe not as cruel as Milchak, but,
Speaker:Track 1: Maybe he's cold. Like, he's so fucking cold. Like, his, like,
Speaker:Track 1: he's, like, all the acting we haven't even really mentioned is, like, extremely good.
Speaker:Track 1: But his is just, like, I don't know. I just, he gives me the creep every time he's, like, on screen.
Speaker:Track 2: It's uncomfortable.
Speaker:Track 3: Scary guy. Yeah, his unflinching stare, like, just freaks me the hell out. That's too much.
Speaker:Track 2: American Psycho Lives.
Speaker:Track 3: Yes. Yeah. Just a lot of Bateman.
Speaker:Track 2: I was just going to say, I think that role that they're in, like,
Speaker:Track 2: middle management speaking to it, is just, like.
Speaker:Track 2: reflective of like what you have to be to be in middle management yeah miss
Speaker:Track 2: cobell was fucking awful and milchak like promised he was like i'm not gonna
Speaker:Track 2: be like her okay let's be honest because immediately he started acting like
Speaker:Track 2: her like they all do just required to be in that position yeah.
Speaker:Track 1: The part where he's like he's mad that his like screensaver doesn't say his
Speaker:Track 1: name yet and he's like oh that was some of the funniest one of the fun and it's the.
Speaker:Track 3: Windows 98 one like bouncing around on the screen i love that.
Speaker:Track 1: Oh yeah i love the tech in this is like this trapped in time of like you know
Speaker:Track 1: an imac from like 2000 you know like 2001 the monitor or even older but like
Speaker:Track 1: that's kind of what reminds me of the it's perfect so the like the second half of the first episode is,
Speaker:Track 1: you know them all being brought back like mark s
Speaker:Track 1: is like you have to bring me back by team i'm not going to work threatening them
Speaker:Track 1: and so on so they're like fine we're going to bring them back and then
Speaker:Track 1: they do like the ultimate like pizza party you know like
Speaker:Track 1: work listens to you and they show like this propaganda video man listen it was
Speaker:Track 1: one of like i was like really laughing the whole time like it was just you know
Speaker:Track 1: if you work for a company and they make you watch some like intro video or some
Speaker:Track 1: shit like it's that was that was it that's the video right there.
Speaker:Track 2: Except Kier flying around makes me cackle every time. This man can fly.
Speaker:Track 3: He's God. Yeah.
Speaker:Track 2: Praise Kier.
Speaker:Track 1: Bopping for pineapples is one of their big things. Like, who doesn't want to bop for pineapples?
Speaker:Track 2: Me, personally. But I guess maybe my innie would be really down for that because that's all she knows.
Speaker:Track 3: Just excited to have some fruit. Something doesn't come out of a vending machine
Speaker:Track 3: with a token or whatever.
Speaker:Track 2: True.
Speaker:Track 3: To get like two tokens per day, right? they get like probably one for coffee
Speaker:Track 3: and one for a snack or something.
Speaker:Track 1: So this is one thing i didn't mention before like if you were to try to compare
Speaker:Track 1: lumen to like an existing company like in the world what do you think is like
Speaker:Track 1: the most like the best comp for it because like they make all products they
Speaker:Track 1: make like you know food and it's just like one of these all-encompassing things the.
Speaker:Track 2: Military they literally like fund food programs at schools and shit like the
Speaker:Track 2: dod pays Like, some schools can only get their food through approved DOD and shit, like, vendors.
Speaker:Track 2: So, I would literally just say the military is a big war criminal corporation, so.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah, yeah. If not that, then, I don't know, one of the big,
Speaker:Track 3: what are there, like, five now of the companies?
Speaker:Track 1: Yeah. I was going to be, like, Unilever or, like, Johnson & Johnson,
Speaker:Track 1: Procter & Campbell. Like, one of the, like...
Speaker:Track 3: GE.
Speaker:Track 1: Yeah.
Speaker:Track 2: P&G would be a good one.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah.
Speaker:Track 1: Like, they just make everything. They make like chemicals to kill you and then
Speaker:Track 1: they give you food with like slightly different chemicals that will also kill you.
Speaker:Track 3: But then they also they're also invested in the medicine that will keep you
Speaker:Track 3: alive long enough to keep buying the food.
Speaker:Track 2: Yes, 100 percent.
Speaker:Track 1: Or maybe it's like BlackRock, where BlackRock essentially owns like 90 percent
Speaker:Track 1: of the earth at this point or whatever.
Speaker:Track 3: But none of them have really harnessed that weird sort of like cult like reverence that people.
Speaker:Track 3: And I was trying to get a feel for this because we don't see much of what people
Speaker:Track 3: think of Lumen on the outside, except for when in the first season he goes to the funeral for the guy.
Speaker:Track 3: And then when he's talking about it with when Mark is talking about it with
Speaker:Track 3: his sister and the brother-in-law, it's just he's a character.
Speaker:Track 3: Like people.
Speaker:Track 3: Are unsettled by the concept of severance and they don't seem to love Lumen, but they also just.
Speaker:Track 3: I don't know, like I wonder if they've created this sort of mystique around
Speaker:Track 3: Kyr and everything solely for the severed people.
Speaker:Track 1: Oh, interesting. i mean we do know that when uh dylan tries to get a job at
Speaker:Track 1: a door store or whatever he can't he can't be once they find out he's severed
Speaker:Track 1: like that's like a deal since.
Speaker:Track 3: He was five.
Speaker:Track 2: Well and then remember there's the whole like it
Speaker:Track 2: seems like a fringe group though the like i hate
Speaker:Track 2: you lumen fuck lumen that's definitely like a fringe group that's like anti-severance
Speaker:Track 2: and stuff yeah so i think that like most capitalist corporations today lumen
Speaker:Track 2: just exists and everybody in this reality is like well that's just the way it
Speaker:Track 2: is go get severed at lumen if you want yeah.
Speaker:Track 1: Yeah like yeah it strikes me it's like because i
Speaker:Track 1: mean it's very clear when heli in the first season is you know
Speaker:Track 1: at that when she become wakes up and she's at this press
Speaker:Track 1: conference or this party helena so i think
Speaker:Track 1: that it's like the specifically the severance procedure
Speaker:Track 1: that like people see as like this is weird just
Speaker:Track 1: like how what like the neural link for elon musk like you're like what the fuck
Speaker:Track 1: is this but like how far i mean i wouldn't trust him to be able to accomplish
Speaker:Track 1: what this is but like how different is it in the sense of like some company
Speaker:Track 1: trying to do some just whacked out brain thing and people like what the fuck are you doing yeah.
Speaker:Track 2: I don't have like a, it's not like a brain chip or anything,
Speaker:Track 2: but there's this very public patent that I think Samsung has applied for.
Speaker:Track 2: And it's for a smart TV. And when an ad plays on the TV, you can get up and
Speaker:Track 2: yell at the TV, like the name of the brand on the TV.
Speaker:Track 2: So if it's like a McDonald's ad, you can like get up and yell at the TV,
Speaker:Track 2: like, okay, McDonald's.
Speaker:Track 2: And they don't release fly. but my whole weird theory is that you know like
Speaker:Track 2: just the subtle conditioning of like you have to say it you have to tangibly
Speaker:Track 2: think about the mcdonald's.
Speaker:Track 3: To get rid of the mcdonald's oh that's so that's how you make the ad go away
Speaker:Track 3: yeah you have to verbally say it so this is reminding me remember before they
Speaker:Track 3: came out with the xbox one remember the whole thing where they were like,
Speaker:Track 3: it's gonna have or was it xbox or ps4 xbox
Speaker:Track 3: the yeah so like it'll play
Speaker:Track 3: it'll play the ads or whatever or like
Speaker:Track 3: it'll have you be able to rent in theater
Speaker:Track 3: movies to watch at home but it'll scan the room and if there's anybody
Speaker:Track 3: else there like then you have to pay more like the
Speaker:Track 3: third or fourth episode of like black mirror or something where they're like
Speaker:Track 3: and there's the people on the bikes and they're doing the streaming thing and
Speaker:Track 3: they're playing games and then he goes the guy goes to his room and there's
Speaker:Track 3: all the ads and you have to use your credits to skip the ads and if you close
Speaker:Track 3: your eyes the whole room turns red and it's like open your eyes and look at
Speaker:Track 3: the fucking ad and then like.
Speaker:Track 2: Yeah i remember wait i remember.
Speaker:Track 3: Like i don't want to be one of these people that's like oh my god this is just
Speaker:Track 3: like black mirror but it's like are they like what are you what are we doing here like why why like,
Speaker:Track 3: why the fuck.
Speaker:Track 1: I was like i mean black mirror is basically just like a fucking documentary at this point like.
Speaker:Track 2: Yeah or.
Speaker:Track 1: Or if not a documentary like it's about to be there like the episode from the
Speaker:Track 1: most recent season about like using
Speaker:Track 1: ai and like to make movies i mean like they're gonna do that very soon.
Speaker:Track 2: Okay or.
Speaker:Track 1: The likeness one sorry.
Speaker:Track 2: Sorry um i don't okay i
Speaker:Track 2: don't really know how i feel about like mark fisher and what
Speaker:Track 2: is it like capitalist realism or whatever um
Speaker:Track 2: i think i kind of agree with the sentiment that
Speaker:Track 2: like really big like hollywood executive producers whatever
Speaker:Track 2: will like sell us back our
Speaker:Track 2: politics so like it feels good to be seen and
Speaker:Track 2: then like people maybe without a lot of political education are
Speaker:Track 2: just kind of like you know that was it solid like barbie movie
Speaker:Track 2: that's what we needed that was like the change that we
Speaker:Track 2: needed and so sometimes it's hard for
Speaker:Track 2: me to watch these things and not be like is this just gonna like
Speaker:Track 2: make people a little bit more complacent because we do see so seen
Speaker:Track 2: like feel so seen and like especially
Speaker:Track 2: a show like severance because it's really easy to just
Speaker:Track 2: be like haha like so us core so america
Speaker:Track 2: live under capitalism them um even
Speaker:Track 2: me like i want i'm gonna be hellier for halloween probably but
Speaker:Track 2: like i sometimes i just have to think critically about like media is fun and
Speaker:Track 2: it's fun to talk about it and like relate and stuff but like also i feel like
Speaker:Track 2: revolution is not an existent without art and so how sometimes can we use these
Speaker:Track 2: things to push our goals forward and further yeah.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah i think and it that goes back to what you were saying earlier evan about
Speaker:Track 3: like we have to we will see ourselves reflected like we'll see some of these
Speaker:Track 3: ideologies reflected but ultimately you also have to understand that it's coming
Speaker:Track 3: from a place where it's just it's,
Speaker:Track 3: you know like they're taking what they know they can
Speaker:Track 3: sell you and it's how do we sell yeah
Speaker:Track 3: the end of the world is a product um how
Speaker:Track 3: do you how do you sell something to anti-capitalists will
Speaker:Track 3: you make it anti-capitalist like how and how often and i
Speaker:Track 3: say it as a joke sometimes but then people are like hell yeah like somebody
Speaker:Track 3: will say something like somebody will say something quippy and it's funny and anti-capitalist
Speaker:Track 3: be like fuck yeah dude put that on a t-shirt and then people were like hell
Speaker:Track 3: yeah and i'm like no i mean you can but like so i mean that's not that was but
Speaker:Track 3: then what you know yeah yeah like that was the point of the chat yeah like just
Speaker:Track 3: pull that thread a little bit yeah i don't know yeah yeah that's.
Speaker:Track 1: That that reminds me as horrible as it is of like the enforced gump when he
Speaker:Track 1: like invents the like the shirt or something what is.
Speaker:Track 3: It like uh have a nice day yeah with a smiley face yeah.
Speaker:Track 1: I mean i mean yeah it's but anyway but the the like to like talk about like
Speaker:Track 1: the i think to your point or both your points about like okay so you watch the
Speaker:Track 1: movie or you watch barbie and you like get like a rush of like oh like this
Speaker:Track 1: is you know empowerment or whatever
Speaker:Track 1: and these things it's like can you do like the next thing which is,
Speaker:Track 1: honestly could be us talking about like this is the things in this movie that
Speaker:Track 1: are interesting and maybe how it relates to real life you know how you can do it and.
Speaker:Track 2: Like the next.
Speaker:Track 1: Step is okay well i listened to this podcast about this or i read this thing or.
Speaker:Track 2: This book.
Speaker:Track 1: And then okay i'm gonna you know join the psl or i'm gonna like put up some
Speaker:Track 1: posters outside or i'm gonna i don't know like it could be small things but
Speaker:Track 1: i think people need to get like beyond the the first thing watching it and i
Speaker:Track 1: think so i think a lot of people are.
Speaker:Track 2: We are great we're great at consuming
Speaker:Track 2: media like westerners are fantastic at consuming media
Speaker:Track 2: and i think that can come in really handy actually and so
Speaker:Track 2: it's really an easy first step too i agree
Speaker:Track 2: with you wholeheartedly it literally is in my opinion just like
Speaker:Track 2: setting up a watching party with your friends and re-watching it and then talking
Speaker:Track 2: about it or just doing something like this like it seems so easy but it seems
Speaker:Track 2: so hard too because i again i think just being seen in media can feel so validating for working people,
Speaker:Track 2: when you're not really ever seen all you see in media is like unattainable lives so it's hard to,
Speaker:Track 2: watch it and then like do something with it yeah i don't
Speaker:Track 2: really know where i'm going with this but i just like when you
Speaker:Track 2: mentioned black mirror i was like i love that show but i
Speaker:Track 2: don't know how many like i've always lived next to military bases
Speaker:Track 2: okay and when i was like 18 the dating pool was unfortunately like
Speaker:Track 2: little baby senior airmen at the airport trying to
Speaker:Track 2: get married so you know yeah get into bigger house
Speaker:Track 2: but you know how it is yes b-a-h-b-a-s gotta
Speaker:Track 2: get it so you know hanging out with a lot of these military bros and they're
Speaker:Track 2: watching the fuck out of black mirror and stuff like that i'm like are you not
Speaker:Track 2: getting it so it's kind of that where it's like oh this is so palatable to some
Speaker:Track 2: extent that like i don't even care that this is actually like very relatable in the worst Yeah.
Speaker:Track 3: And I think part of it, we talk about media literacy a lot, but,
Speaker:Track 3: It's not great. Like, people don't tend to critically examine what they're watching or consuming.
Speaker:Track 3: Partly, I think, because of a lack of just experience and education in that
Speaker:Track 3: area, but also because it's just always on to the next thing.
Speaker:Track 3: Like, you finish one thing, and you're not really sitting with it for any...
Speaker:Track 2: There's no time.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah, any...
Speaker:Track 1: You stream a show, watch 10 episodes in a weekend, and like, bam, new show.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah, like, okay, what's the next, like, Harlan Coben miniseries I can watch?
Speaker:Track 3: like that's how i am that's how i am but.
Speaker:Track 2: I guess while i watch it i'll sit there and like think so critically about it
Speaker:Track 2: because that's how i am but.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah yeah i 100 agree yeah we're just
Speaker:Track 3: kind of oversaturated there's just there's so much and i think it's because people are
Speaker:Track 3: spending so much of their lives working and just trying to get by that they're
Speaker:Track 3: the little bit of time that they have to just do something for them there's
Speaker:Track 3: this sort of resistance to really like do anything that feels even remotely like work even if it's.
Speaker:Track 1: They want to be severed right they want to be yeah.
Speaker:Track 2: I was literally about to say because we're severed because we are living the
Speaker:Track 2: severed life exactly yeah.
Speaker:Track 1: Like they want to go home we want to
Speaker:Track 1: be home and just turn on a movie you want
Speaker:Track 1: to watch like i don't know buffy the vampire slayer film or you want to watch
Speaker:Track 1: severance or you want to watch something that just you don't have to think about
Speaker:Track 1: sometimes and like i it's completely relatable like i can't i wouldn't you know
Speaker:Track 1: i don't deride anyone from watching just about anything maybe it's like some
Speaker:Track 1: conservative you know bullshit maybe you know like what's that movie like uh,
Speaker:Track 1: that ben shapiro produced oh whatever
Speaker:Track 1: like maybe i could give you shit for watching something like that but.
Speaker:Track 3: You have to narrow it down a little bit.
Speaker:Track 1: Yeah i don't there was some movie that like came out recently that i thought
Speaker:Track 1: like he produced or something but maybe another.
Speaker:Track 3: One where he's what was the book he wrote where he there was like a shooter
Speaker:Track 3: or something and it was like.
Speaker:Track 1: I don't know on.
Speaker:Track 3: Campus or on like a somewhere and there's like a and there's.
Speaker:Track 2: Like one.
Speaker:Track 3: Good guy with a gun some patriot or something and like.
Speaker:Track 2: I can't remember i can't remember all these weird white men all i can think
Speaker:Track 2: of a donision he also has a school shooter book what what is it with these.
Speaker:Track 1: Weirdos their fantasy fantasy.
Speaker:Track 3: Of a school that's for him yeah for that one definitely a fantasy um literally yeah.
Speaker:Track 1: So before we were randomly talking about this is kind of slightly what we said
Speaker:Track 1: before because we're joking before
Speaker:Track 1: how like you could have the people in severance sleeping at the office,
Speaker:Track 1: and they could be severed and they go home and they wouldn't really understand
Speaker:Track 1: the time there is an article today in i don't even i think it's financial times
Speaker:Track 1: and the headline is why Why not let workers live in the office?
Speaker:Track 1: Citigroup is spending $1 billion to attract staff back to its Canary Wharf Tower in London.
Speaker:Track 1: Maybe it'd be easier to provide accommodation.
Speaker:Track 1: So that's the shit that they actually want to do. And they want you to think
Speaker:Track 1: that this is good because like, oh, I get like a free house or,
Speaker:Track 1: you know, like it's it's like the next.
Speaker:Track 1: Like, I think I don't know what the one of you I was talking about.
Speaker:Track 1: like the movie sorry to bother you feels like almost like an extension in some
Speaker:Track 1: way of this film where you work for a company not just work for them you live
Speaker:Track 1: there it's like you are you are a part of this company i think lumen yeah way
Speaker:Track 1: has that it seems like this is like a company town it is.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah the housing he lives in is is lumen housing.
Speaker:Track 1: So it's it's like the next logical step of okay you work for this company you
Speaker:Track 1: live with people who work for this company and if you do that then everyone is going to like,
Speaker:Track 1: be cool and then you create this mythos of some like guy who kind of looks like
Speaker:Track 1: lennon and kind of looks like karl marx with a shorter beard like the kirk i.
Speaker:Track 2: Saw that i was like karl lennon.
Speaker:Track 1: He just kind of looks it's like they just took a.
Speaker:Track 3: Bunch of people like.
Speaker:Track 1: White dudes with beards from like 1800s and just threw them together it was like this is the guy.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah this.
Speaker:Track 2: Is the guy but.
Speaker:Track 3: We've talked i think we've talked about this too before is that you
Speaker:Track 3: know we're not too far off from coming right back around on
Speaker:Track 3: the whole company town thing and i seem to remember a few
Speaker:Track 3: years ago a guy went viral on tiktok for just sleeping
Speaker:Track 3: in his office he lost he lost his place he
Speaker:Track 3: was living in seattle and he could
Speaker:Track 3: not afford to get a new place so he
Speaker:Track 3: just started living in his cubicle he just brought he you know he was pretty
Speaker:Track 3: much out of the way he had like a cot and everything and he was just he was
Speaker:Track 3: like not fully live streaming it but he was posting updates and everything and
Speaker:Track 3: then eventually they kicked him out and like i think fired him um but he got
Speaker:Track 3: pretty big on tiktok for it and i think at one point he was wearing a lot of.
Speaker:Track 3: Romp hims and that's the last i remember of it but we're
Speaker:Track 3: not to circle back around to my actual point
Speaker:Track 3: the whole company town thing is is not
Speaker:Track 3: far behind because the companies
Speaker:Track 3: are are mostly the ones buying up the housing like
Speaker:Track 3: it's not you know i'm i i
Speaker:Track 3: have plenty of smoke to spare for the mom and so-called mom
Speaker:Track 3: and pop landlords like fuck them too very much but but huge companies are also
Speaker:Track 3: buying up all the housing and conspiring together to raise rent to completely
Speaker:Track 3: unaffordable prices if they can get people to work for shitty wages with the
Speaker:Track 3: promise of like just an okay rent,
Speaker:Track 3: yeah why wouldn't they and there's nothing to stop them so but yeah he does
Speaker:Track 3: he does live in company housing because it's it's women housing and cobell was
Speaker:Track 3: living right next to him do you think he has cameras.
Speaker:Track 1: In his house that he doesn't know about yes.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah oh definitely.
Speaker:Track 1: Because it's very clear that the things they do are in the basement right like
Speaker:Track 1: it seems like he does all his like because he's doing that thing with his sister
Speaker:Track 1: in the basement to try and like burn his retinas with like information i.
Speaker:Track 2: I'm that way though like there's parts of my home that i think are safe.
Speaker:Track 2: And it's not that I think other parts of my home are unsafe,
Speaker:Track 2: but there's only certain parts that are good for sensitive information.
Speaker:Track 2: Does that make sense? Like, no,
Speaker:Track 2: I almost feel like they wouldn't even have to put cameras in the house because
Speaker:Track 2: just feeling like I live in a lumen house is enough to keep you from being bad.
Speaker:Track 1: Conditioning.
Speaker:Track 2: Yeah. Like, I have to think about it in the context, again, of military intelligence,
Speaker:Track 2: right? Like, I live right next to a bunch of base housing.
Speaker:Track 2: It's all over. If you live next to an Air Force base or any base, there's base housing.
Speaker:Track 2: and the base housing in this area is privatized which
Speaker:Track 2: means civilians can live in the base housing it's very weird it's very strange
Speaker:Track 2: whatever but i just have to believe that like they're not being surveilled in
Speaker:Track 2: their homes but it's the presumption that like the base owns this that like
Speaker:Track 2: keeps people from doing like super sketchy things yeah.
Speaker:Track 3: All you all you have to do is like make people feel like maybe they could be being watched.
Speaker:Track 2: Yes because again back to
Speaker:Track 2: military intelligence been around a lot of these guys and they
Speaker:Track 2: just like always possess this fear of like
Speaker:Track 2: my my job knows like if i
Speaker:Track 2: smoked pot tonight my job would know and it's like but how
Speaker:Track 2: like this is not a normal feeling because like the guy
Speaker:Track 2: who delivers pizza he doesn't feel like domino's knows
Speaker:Track 2: that he smoked pot tonight but like you just feel like they know like it's your
Speaker:Track 2: mom or your dad like you're gonna come home they're like busted gotcha but it's
Speaker:Track 2: like they don't know they don't and so i don't know it's that to me is kind
Speaker:Track 2: of like maybe there could be cameras but probably not because why would they even need them yeah.
Speaker:Track 1: Well so here here's like to bring it to like a question about the i think i
Speaker:Track 1: don't maybe it's partly in the first episode in the second one is what do you
Speaker:Track 1: all think of like cobell and like what is she doing,
Speaker:Track 1: Like, she's fired, essentially, and they promote Milchik to his middling,
Speaker:Track 1: like, middle management of the severed floor.
Speaker:Track 1: And which also leads me to, which we never even really said,
Speaker:Track 1: it's like, most of the company is not severed. It's just, like,
Speaker:Track 1: this floor that's severed.
Speaker:Track 3: Right.
Speaker:Track 1: Everyone else is just, like, a normal person, well, quote, unquote.
Speaker:Track 2: Yeah.
Speaker:Track 1: You know, doing other military contract, you know, who the hell knows.
Speaker:Track 1: But, like, what is her deal?
Speaker:Track 2: Like, the less evil thing.
Speaker:Track 1: Yeah, the less evil. They're killing, like, they're killing babies with,
Speaker:Track 1: like, a smaller baby killing machine, you know, or whatever.
Speaker:Track 3: They only do one at a time.
Speaker:Track 1: Yeah, one at a time. Exactly. They don't have a machine. But what is Cobel's,
Speaker:Track 1: what do you think her, so I think episode three, she almost runs over Mark because
Speaker:Track 1: he's blocking the street.
Speaker:Track 1: And it seems like she has some vendetta. She's unwell. Do you think she's just unwell?
Speaker:Track 2: Oh, I think she's crashing out at that point. my thoughts
Speaker:Track 2: on miss cobell is that she is supposed
Speaker:Track 2: to represent a middle manager that gives
Speaker:Track 2: their entire lives to a corporation and very
Speaker:Track 2: quickly is let go because who gives a
Speaker:Track 2: fuck about you and i don't know like i've seen
Speaker:Track 2: my mom crash out like this over jobs before because my mom while
Speaker:Track 2: never being like general manager of a like a retail store or anything my mom
Speaker:Track 2: worked retail a lot of my life she was always like assistant manager whatever
Speaker:Track 2: anytime she'd be let go for like stupid shit because that's what they do it's
Speaker:Track 2: retail there was there was like such a personal affliction like how could they
Speaker:Track 2: do this to me i'm a good worker i've done everything and it's like.
Speaker:Track 2: You're just like a like you're just a person mom like that
Speaker:Track 2: like to them you are a worker nothing else and um
Speaker:Track 2: like milchek said that
Speaker:Track 2: in the episode today to some extent basically like you existed
Speaker:Track 2: only for this you're a file your file won't exist after this
Speaker:Track 2: like we don't give a fuck you're gone goodbye who cares and so
Speaker:Track 2: i almost think miss copel exists to exemplify that
Speaker:Track 2: that like if work is all that you ever are you will go
Speaker:Track 2: crazy when they inevitably don't give a fuck about you um
Speaker:Track 2: which is hard to feel because miss copel is unwell she is scary i don't like
Speaker:Track 2: her i don't want to feel like empathy for her or like find her character relatable
Speaker:Track 2: in any capacity but like to some extent just her like how much she crashes out
Speaker:Track 2: when she loses her job is like what the fuck is happening so.
Speaker:Track 3: There's this there's this one part and i fully agree with you i think she embodies
Speaker:Track 3: that entirely because i've i've been around people like that i managed restaurants
Speaker:Track 3: before but i was like assistant general manager beverage manager service manager stuff like that,
Speaker:Track 3: and even when I was like first in
Speaker:Track 3: those roles I think I
Speaker:Track 3: was like 24 25 it didn't take long for me to be like yeah these people don't
Speaker:Track 3: give a shit about me and I still came in and I did what I needed to do because
Speaker:Track 3: I wanted to get paid but like you get disillusioned pretty quickly if you're not,
Speaker:Track 3: constantly convincing yourself of your
Speaker:Track 3: inherent value to the people who put you in that role like yeah it says nothing
Speaker:Track 3: about your value as a person but if you allow that to become tied to your employment
Speaker:Track 3: in that sense like it can yeah you can crash the fuck out and there's a part,
Speaker:Track 3: with cobell later on and i don't i guess we could talk about it later because
Speaker:Track 3: it's not in this episode but i have some i have many questions about like her
Speaker:Track 3: whole deal outside of this.
Speaker:Track 1: There's something she drives to that house like in the like in
Speaker:Track 1: the like she's driving and she stops at that house that's i
Speaker:Track 1: thought she was like do something there too like something is
Speaker:Track 1: going on too with like the baby too you know at the end of the first season
Speaker:Track 1: like something is she's like the mother of someone or like i don't know like
Speaker:Track 1: she's related in some weird way to other someone else in this story that's like
Speaker:Track 1: a she's like almost acting like very protective over mark s in a weird way.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah i don't know what is her what is that about because when he says that he's
Speaker:Track 3: going to leave she hugs him and she says get out of there like as fast as you can or something that's.
Speaker:Track 2: Okay that's because she got fired.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah she.
Speaker:Track 2: Was feeling displaced and upset.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah but.
Speaker:Track 2: I recall that like this whole what the fuck is the mission called where he's
Speaker:Track 2: being conditioned to forget about miss casey jimma do you remember they're like
Speaker:Track 2: the mission that they're trying to complete.
Speaker:Track 3: Cold harbor helena.
Speaker:Track 2: Cold harbor miss cobell was also super obsessed with cold harbor like way too
Speaker:Track 2: obsessed with that shit um so i don't like i don't know if i answered any of your questions sorry.
Speaker:Track 3: No i don't think anybody could except for the people who know what the hell's
Speaker:Track 3: gonna happen in this show because i yeah that's true there's just there's stuff
Speaker:Track 3: about her that i don't understand Like at one point when she comes to whatever
Speaker:Track 3: house that was, and she's like,
Speaker:Track 3: I don't know if that was her house, and she was just breaking shit and like throwing stuff around.
Speaker:Track 2: That was her house, the shrine. She was destroying the cure shrine.
Speaker:Track 3: And she had a, there was a mask that looked like a CPAP mask or something that she was hugging.
Speaker:Track 1: Yeah.
Speaker:Track 3: Whose was that?
Speaker:Track 2: I think that was literally in her cure shrine.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah, but there was like a tag on it. there was a tag on it and i thought it
Speaker:Track 3: had a name that wasn't here this is one of those little details that's driving
Speaker:Track 3: me fucking nuts like i have to know what the hell that is i feel like we're
Speaker:Track 3: gonna i i think we're gonna find out the stuff we need to know and we're gonna
Speaker:Track 3: be satisfied that could be wishful thinking but i,
Speaker:Track 3: I think most of the loose ends will end up getting wrapped up. I don't know.
Speaker:Track 1: Do we talk about the third episode? So the third episode was,
Speaker:Track 1: I think we talked about like, like Corb like Cobell, like running and all of that.
Speaker:Track 1: And so like, so we have to, we
Speaker:Track 1: need to talk about briefly, like the goat thing, like the goats are just.
Speaker:Track 2: They're not ready.
Speaker:Track 3: They're not, not ready yet. They're still babies.
Speaker:Track 1: They're still babies. They're little goats, but like.
Speaker:Track 2: They're not ready.
Speaker:Track 1: But it's, what's so crazy is they have this underground, ground like field.
Speaker:Track 2: Gold farm goat farm also.
Speaker:Track 3: They made them play the ball game in the chairs too they could have gotten over
Speaker:Track 3: there and at least had this it's like almost outside time also the guy like with the.
Speaker:Track 1: Like with the like he's covered in like the fake goat like.
Speaker:Track 2: Underneath that was fucking weird what.
Speaker:Track 1: Does he need that for is it simply just like he wants to watch the goats and
Speaker:Track 1: have them not notice him or is it you know.
Speaker:Track 3: It's like that weird robot thing that was supposed to look like a like um like
Speaker:Track 3: a meerkat or something oh yeah yeah like have it go in as like a as a mole.
Speaker:Track 2: That would be my assumption is they're trying to like observe the goats for some reason,
Speaker:Track 2: maybe they're not real good like i don't think
Speaker:Track 2: they're like actual real ghosts there's something weird going off
Speaker:Track 2: the goats and i think that's why they walked in yes like half
Speaker:Track 2: human half so i don't know but when they walked in on the guy baby feeding the
Speaker:Track 2: goats and it's like they're not ready yet ready for what what the fuck does
Speaker:Track 2: that mean that was scary i didn't like that and the guy in the goat suit no
Speaker:Track 2: no actually no i could never work at the sovereign lumen floor harvesting like they're harvesting.
Speaker:Track 1: Like a genochrome or something weird like you know.
Speaker:Track 2: Some like some.
Speaker:Track 1: You know thing for rich people to like put on their face so they like can look
Speaker:Track 1: one year younger i don't know who knows.
Speaker:Track 2: You know what that kind of reminds me never mind sorry i don't know what episode
Speaker:Track 2: it is so i don't want to go too crazy well.
Speaker:Track 1: It's okay i I mean, I think we're kind of like,
Speaker:Track 1: sort of talking about the third one like one of the other things that's crazy
Speaker:Track 1: too is that dylan like he gets that special supposedly privilege of like seeing
Speaker:Track 1: his wife but then would never remember this so who is it really for you know like.
Speaker:Track 2: Like doesn't his like any remember it though and that's what matters is.
Speaker:Track 1: Any remembers it but doesn't know who his wife is but his wife.
Speaker:Track 2: I think it's because it's because they're any spend
Speaker:Track 2: their whole lives as any's obsessing over if they
Speaker:Track 2: have anything what's what's life on the outside like yeah
Speaker:Track 2: so you know kind of like a prison so being able
Speaker:Track 2: to have that visit and be like oh this is
Speaker:Track 2: what life is like um and i think when he saw his son that's why milchak was
Speaker:Track 2: so willing to just like let him see his wife because milchak fucked up and accidentally
Speaker:Track 2: he saw a son and he's like oh wait now i'm never that's why attacked milchick
Speaker:Track 2: and all that shit because he's like no i have a family i must know like oh gosh i.
Speaker:Track 3: Liked i liked that when he's when he finally met the wife and she's i like that
Speaker:Track 3: actress i don't uh that actor i don't know her name she's been in so many things.
Speaker:Track 2: I've seen her in something else i love her she.
Speaker:Track 3: Was in the walking dead and they did her so fucking dirty.
Speaker:Track 2: I forgot she was in the walking dead they did her so.
Speaker:Track 3: Dirty she was one of those.
Speaker:Track 2: They did which spoilers the show is yeah.
Speaker:Track 3: She was she was like a vat and she was learning.
Speaker:Track 2: To all the human.
Speaker:Track 3: Doctor shit so she.
Speaker:Track 2: I remember when i watched the show she pissed me off though i don't know what
Speaker:Track 2: she did but she made me mad she.
Speaker:Track 3: Was supposed to be like maybe getting together with somebody um tara maybe.
Speaker:Track 2: It's been a really long it's yeah it's been a long time i noped out.
Speaker:Track 3: Of that show like years ago anyway.
Speaker:Track 2: Oh yeah is.
Speaker:Track 1: It still on tv i think maybe.
Speaker:Track 2: No i think it's like a different one yeah.
Speaker:Track 1: They made like 17 15 different Walking Dead.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah, like 30 spinoffs.
Speaker:Track 2: It's like Walking Dead something. It still has Rick and...
Speaker:Track 3: Michonne, I think.
Speaker:Track 1: What?
Speaker:Track 2: Michonne, yes.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah, the ones who live.
Speaker:Track 1: Oh, my God.
Speaker:Track 2: I can't even believe they killed... Let's not talk about the Walking Dead.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah, no, that's just going to make me mad. But yeah, so she was in that,
Speaker:Track 3: and then she was in something called Unbelievable, which was a...
Speaker:Track 3: I mean, she's a cop in it, so...
Speaker:Track 3: you know but it's.
Speaker:Track 2: Uh oh that show ate actually it.
Speaker:Track 3: Was really good it was such a.
Speaker:Track 2: Good show i hate when shows have pigs in them and usually i'll just like simply
Speaker:Track 2: refuse to watch i eat down thriller limited series on netflix this is my eternal struggle.
Speaker:Track 3: Though because i love to read and watch mysteries and thrillers it.
Speaker:Track 2: Is so fucking hard to find one.
Speaker:Track 3: Without a goddamn fucking cop as like the main.
Speaker:Track 2: Character and i'm like uh.
Speaker:Track 3: But i saw she was in it and i watched it and that show fucking slapped yeah
Speaker:Track 3: that was really good that was a.
Speaker:Track 2: Really she's just so good there's just some actresses i think honestly it's
Speaker:Track 2: just that she looks like she could be a working class person she's just she has this.
Speaker:Track 3: Very like open and empathetic demeanor like she just.
Speaker:Track 2: I agree with that she very much so radiates empathy that's why it was easier
Speaker:Track 2: to watch her as a police officer because it wasn't giving typical like she would
Speaker:Track 2: definitely quit her job well and and.
Speaker:Track 1: Then this who feel really bad for like you feel bad for both of them.
Speaker:Track 2: So bad like.
Speaker:Track 1: You're seeing someone.
Speaker:Track 2: Like he's.
Speaker:Track 1: Not going to remember this happening right and like they also have a very i
Speaker:Track 1: noticed too that seems she seems to work nights and he works like they don't even like see each other.
Speaker:Track 2: Not at all right she seems to not like her outie husband and dylan seems to
Speaker:Track 2: pick that up and he's like so i'm kind of a fuck up like yes babes you're a
Speaker:Track 2: huge fuck up on the outside it seems to be anyway from your wife's just general vibe about you this.
Speaker:Track 3: Is something that i was thinking about too like i think if we can sidebar for
Speaker:Track 3: a second i feel like each of the people we know why mark is doing what he's
Speaker:Track 3: doing we know why he's severed because he wants to separate from his grief if
Speaker:Track 3: only for a short amount of time as far as the others like for instance like
Speaker:Track 3: why do you think irving chose this the.
Speaker:Track 1: Wall the military thing like this.
Speaker:Track 2: The military yeah yeah,
Speaker:Track 2: I was gonna one of my first thought like I kind
Speaker:Track 2: of feel like I think I know where you're going with this because
Speaker:Track 2: when Hallie had her suicide attempt
Speaker:Track 2: and her Audi was like you don't get a say you're the worker I'm living my life
Speaker:Track 2: blah blah I was like oh okay so they all just get severed because they're shitty
Speaker:Track 2: fucking people that's why they get severed like no good person would just get
Speaker:Track 2: severed and I was like well you know except for Marquez because he's in shambles about his grief.
Speaker:Track 2: And then we see Irving, and I'm like, well, except for Irving,
Speaker:Track 2: because he's in shambles about all of his CPTSD.
Speaker:Track 2: Like, I guess the duality, the duality, except for Dylan, maybe.
Speaker:Track 2: Dylan just seems like he was not doing well in his outside life,
Speaker:Track 2: like as an emotional person or partner or father.
Speaker:Track 2: And so he was just like, let me get more disassociated from this than I already am.
Speaker:Track 3: I feel like for him, like Dylan maybe wants to be better.
Speaker:Track 3: Like he really tried at their job interview i think
Speaker:Track 3: he wants to do better for his family and
Speaker:Track 3: i think he just doesn't know how like
Speaker:Track 3: he thinks he thinks that there's something wrong with him and
Speaker:Track 3: maybe there is maybe he has like undiagnosed adhd
Speaker:Track 3: or some shit and he just needs that's fair a quick
Speaker:Track 3: sweet little addy script and he'd be good to go but he maybe his any is the
Speaker:Track 3: kind of worker that he wishes he could be to an extent because that's all he
Speaker:Track 3: knows and there's nothing to distract him like that one scene when And like
Speaker:Track 3: his wife is there and it's his outing. Yeah.
Speaker:Track 3: and he was supposed to do something and he's like oh no sorry i didn't do that
Speaker:Track 3: or whatever it was like cookies for the for the kids at school or whatever and
Speaker:Track 3: he's just like sitting on the couch,
Speaker:Track 3: i'm like come on man like we all have our days but that's what i'm like.
Speaker:Track 2: Okay dylan what are you doing i.
Speaker:Track 3: Feel like he thinks that he's just he's the fuck up and his and he is the person that works,
Speaker:Track 3: and that's never the two shall meet like and that's yeah that's just he has
Speaker:Track 3: that person and that's why he does that because that's the only way he can be
Speaker:Track 3: of any use to anybody and i don't think he's happy about it but that's just wait.
Speaker:Track 2: I think when you mentioned like he had like he has a problem maybe his problem
Speaker:Track 2: is that he just like really sucks at fucking working i always sucked at working
Speaker:Track 2: i've been a horrible worker my whole life i'm i'm not embarrassed of that but like,
Speaker:Track 2: especially when you're like a man and supposed to be like provider whatever.
Speaker:Track 3: There's a lot of.
Speaker:Track 2: Shame i think in being a like a bad worker not being able to maintain consistent
Speaker:Track 2: employment whatever Maybe that was his issue.
Speaker:Track 2: Maybe that's why getting severed was just like an easy choice for him.
Speaker:Track 3: And I think you're right about Irving. I think it's definitely all the trauma.
Speaker:Track 3: He's actively investigating, though, right? Like he has like notes and everything about.
Speaker:Track 2: Yes.
Speaker:Track 3: About Luma.
Speaker:Track 2: It's the dreams. I think really what it was is like he dreams at the workplace.
Speaker:Track 2: So that's how he was able to start having all those weird paintings and shit.
Speaker:Track 2: Because he's the only person that takes naps.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah. He just falls asleep.
Speaker:Track 2: And he got sent to the break room for it, too. He got in trouble for napping
Speaker:Track 2: at work. So Lumen's listening.
Speaker:Track 2: Lumen knows that you're not supposed to sleep while severed because I think
Speaker:Track 2: it crosses over the worlds or something.
Speaker:Track 3: It's also extra fucked up, too, because he has trauma. Like he probably the
Speaker:Track 3: sort of torture they subject them to in the break room probably could.
Speaker:Track 3: triggers an even deeper trauma within him sorry.
Speaker:Track 2: Sorry i mean we're.
Speaker:Track 1: Getting no no it's dear we just spiraled.
Speaker:Track 2: But i'm sorry.
Speaker:Track 1: No take the rail please please it's uh no
Speaker:Track 1: i think like all of the reasons that people i
Speaker:Track 1: mean i think that all comes back to just why someone like if
Speaker:Track 1: someone in the real world was given the the opportunity to
Speaker:Track 1: do something like this these are all like the different reasons why
Speaker:Track 1: i think someone would make these choices i think each one has their own very
Speaker:Track 1: specific reasons i think that's very intentional you know like you have heli
Speaker:Track 1: which i think is probably the most interesting case where she's doing it intentionally
Speaker:Track 1: because maybe she's curious you know she's clearly very wealthy she can just
Speaker:Track 1: do this for fun but it is kind of crazy,
Speaker:Track 1: well also i decide to track myself but
Speaker:Track 1: like heli probably never actually had to work before this
Speaker:Track 1: is probably the first time she actually has had to work but then she doesn't
Speaker:Track 1: actually remember doing it which is actually a brings me back to your theory
Speaker:Track 1: at the beginning about why the whole point of this is to eventually like put
Speaker:Track 1: yourself into someone else's body she wants to experience what it's like to work for the first time.
Speaker:Track 2: Do you think so i think that,
Speaker:Track 2: heli almost exists to challenge our belief
Speaker:Track 2: about rich people and that i
Speaker:Track 2: think she's a victim to the cure cult really like the
Speaker:Track 2: way her dad spoke to her while she was helena i don't
Speaker:Track 2: know what he called her but i paused it and i was like that
Speaker:Track 2: literally like the the visceral way he said
Speaker:Track 2: it it's not like a slur it wasn't but it might as well have been
Speaker:Track 2: the way he like i don't know what he said to her but it was just so cool when
Speaker:Track 2: her indian audi you know switched and all that and she's like i'm gonna destroy
Speaker:Track 2: your company and he came back and it the dad came and it was helena and he was
Speaker:Track 2: like oh you stupid fucking bitch how could you do that and she was just like
Speaker:Track 2: father please and she immediately goes into damage control i almost see her,
Speaker:Track 2: As in some capacity, well, there is no perfect victim, right?
Speaker:Track 2: So a victim and a victim that has become complicit to her surroundings because
Speaker:Track 2: that's how she survives in the Egan household.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah, I think I think partly, too, it's that she kind of wants to this is her
Speaker:Track 3: way of this is the only way she can ever separate herself from her family in any real extent.
Speaker:Track 1: 100%.
Speaker:Track 2: And I think that's why. So I think it's really important to note that we watch
Speaker:Track 2: Helena watch Hallie and Mark S.
Speaker:Track 2: kiss. and helena watches that shit back and she's
Speaker:Track 2: like i think that for like she's probably not
Speaker:Track 2: had lots of sexual experiences or any kind of relationships outside
Speaker:Track 2: of the cult that she lives in so to see her any like oh my gosh i'm capable
Speaker:Track 2: of like having a love or a relationship outside of what i know i almost think
Speaker:Track 2: that's what triggered her to be like let me in let me in there because she just
Speaker:Track 2: wanted to be with marcus down bad and look at what we got i also think it helps to keep him away from,
Speaker:Track 2: figuring out miss casey's timeline and what the fuck's going on with her so
Speaker:Track 2: i think it's dual like i think she propositioned like i want to go as helena
Speaker:Track 2: because she wanted to get down
Speaker:Track 2: and dirty with mark s but also so she could keep him away from miss casey.
Speaker:Track 1: Well so that's a good like a good point to like talk about the most recent episode
Speaker:Track 1: which i think is like the craziest of the episodes like they literally wake
Speaker:Track 1: up and they're like a wilderness resort which also led.
Speaker:Track 2: Me which.
Speaker:Track 1: Also led me to believe for the first time that i just noticed this is i think
Speaker:Track 1: they can just flip it does it's not the elevator at the lumen office that they
Speaker:Track 1: can switch on and off they can turn your severance on at any moment at any time.
Speaker:Track 2: Which to me leads.
Speaker:Track 1: To be like a military application you could be a guy like an assassin and then
Speaker:Track 1: they're like all right now you're not an assassin anymore now you're like mr
Speaker:Track 1: smith with like mrs smith or whatever i don't know and now you're now.
Speaker:Track 2: You're a murderer again that wouldn't shock me though like so that's it's fun
Speaker:Track 2: make you better at war like make you better at doing war by like figuring out
Speaker:Track 2: how to like separate your feelings or whatever.
Speaker:Track 2: There's a, there's another movie on Netflix where,
Speaker:Track 2: They put like emotion bottles in your brain and shit.
Speaker:Track 2: And I don't know. It kind of reminds me of that to some capacity.
Speaker:Track 2: Severance feels very similar to that. Just kind of expanded. Same reality.
Speaker:Track 1: Instead of conditioning you into being two different people, you literally are.
Speaker:Track 2: I will let you know what the movie is called. It's really good.
Speaker:Track 2: You may have already seen it.
Speaker:Track 3: Thank you. Yes, please do.
Speaker:Track 1: But so the whole like the fourth episode is so insane in that it's so you have this forest.
Speaker:Track 1: They're all in like, OK, where are they exactly? How did they get there?
Speaker:Track 1: which is like just things you're asking like they have to like they're then
Speaker:Track 1: they introduce you to like egan to like the kia's like brother which felt like
Speaker:Track 1: a very which felt like a very like it felt like a cain and abel kind of weird
Speaker:Track 1: thing or something it was like very religious and like later when milchik is
Speaker:Track 1: like reading them the story like a ghost story it was so creepy,
Speaker:Track 1: his facial expression just made me want to just i was hide i was fucked up so
Speaker:Track 1: i don't know like Like, what else is in this episode that just, it's just fucking nuts.
Speaker:Track 2: Is Marcus reintegrated in this episode?
Speaker:Track 3: He's starting to be, I think.
Speaker:Track 2: Because at the point when they're getting down and filthy and whorish. Sorry.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah.
Speaker:Track 2: Because I care so much about Gemma. I just, my heart hurts for her.
Speaker:Track 2: And he starts seeing her and I'm like, is this not a sign to stop?
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah. Like, I think it's when he was about to, when he was about to blow.
Speaker:Track 3: So, and that's when the, when the, um, reintegration thing sort of clicked in
Speaker:Track 3: for a second, because I don't think it was happening all at once.
Speaker:Track 3: When they left us off.
Speaker:Track 2: It was like a slow build.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah, they left us off at the end of.
Speaker:Track 3: episode three where they're doing the procedure yeah and the line waves are
Speaker:Track 3: starting to get closer line.
Speaker:Track 1: Up which is also ironic with the little story he was telling about like essentially
Speaker:Track 1: like he died like jerking off in front of his brother.
Speaker:Track 3: His brother yeah his brother spilt his lineage
Speaker:Track 3: upon the soil and i i shit you not i had to pause and
Speaker:Track 3: just fucking laugh i'm like they did not just describe jorking it in the woods
Speaker:Track 3: in the most like flowery prose i've ever heard in my life like what is the opposite
Speaker:Track 3: of colleen hoover like that was just it was wild it was just the funniest shit and i just lost it so.
Speaker:Track 2: My question leads into that because if mark s is reintegrating,
Speaker:Track 2: was it mark s is audi that thought it was so funny when helena was being like
Speaker:Track 2: he was jerking up on the one.
Speaker:Track 2: And also, why would why would Helena do that? Because we know now it's not Heli. Thank you. I knew.
Speaker:Track 2: Thank you. Yeah, I knew. Anyway, it was it's not Heli. It's Helena.
Speaker:Track 2: Why is she being so discriminatory against the cult she's in?
Speaker:Track 2: Is it to provoke Mark S? Or is it because she's like feeling like rebellion
Speaker:Track 2: because she can finally like criticize Egan as helena.
Speaker:Track 3: I think maybe maybe it's that um i don't know i was i'm kind of caught on this
Speaker:Track 3: too because she's making a conscious decision in front of milchak who can't
Speaker:Track 3: really do anything to her right right right but she's dragging mark into it
Speaker:Track 3: also yeah i mean nobody forced him to laugh but it's hard not to maybe.
Speaker:Track 2: This is why sometimes i don't think that helena is a victim she's giving evil
Speaker:Track 2: this episode made her give evil really bad.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah she had sex with him under false pretenses that's um very we could.
Speaker:Track 2: Consider it sexual assault in the.
Speaker:Track 3: Reality they're.
Speaker:Track 2: Living in really like.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah that's.
Speaker:Track 2: So unbelievably fucked up.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah not not good at all um.
Speaker:Track 2: And shout out to Irving because he did what had to be done. And I love when
Speaker:Track 2: he was like, I'm going to kill her, Mr.
Speaker:Track 3: Milkshame.
Speaker:Track 2: I was like, yo, Irving.
Speaker:Track 1: But this was one of the, I also wrote in like, I think in the notes I send you
Speaker:Track 1: both at the beginning of the first episode of season two, I was like,
Speaker:Track 1: Ellie is definitely working.
Speaker:Track 1: Like she's a mole in there. I'm like, she has to be.
Speaker:Track 2: I saw you saw that. And I was so happy when you saw it because again,
Speaker:Track 2: the subreddit thought that was like the most delusional theory that like it's not Ellie anymore.
Speaker:Track 2: And I'm like, it's clearly it's not Ellie. anymore you have to like not you
Speaker:Track 2: have to be intentionally ignoring it to see it's not how the.
Speaker:Track 1: Way she the way she would like look at mark too like in that one moment.
Speaker:Track 2: Where they're standing.
Speaker:Track 1: In the hallway when they're like.
Speaker:Track 2: She was so horny she was so horny and
Speaker:Track 2: then that's another thing that was pissing me off about the reddit they were
Speaker:Track 2: like wow marcus way to be weird and trap heli in that corner i'm like y'all
Speaker:Track 2: heli was ready to drop everything and like do it right there in the lumens severed
Speaker:Track 2: basement floor because that's not heli that's helena and she is wanting human contact so badly.
Speaker:Track 3: And i think she's she's kind of egging on like their continued rebellion as
Speaker:Track 3: well which makes me feel that it all feels very much like entrapment on her part.
Speaker:Track 2: And then but then she's also like keeping mark s away from figuring out miss
Speaker:Track 2: casey's situation which feels so intentional because i feel like that's gonna
Speaker:Track 2: give us a lot of answers about a lot of things is this is not the basement floor.
Speaker:Track 2: There's a floor that goes lower than this. And what the fuck is going on on that floor?
Speaker:Track 1: What do you think happened to her?
Speaker:Track 2: Michelle? I don't know. Somebody else. Go ahead.
Speaker:Track 3: I don't know. I think when she had the accident, she was, I mean,
Speaker:Track 3: she had to be declared dead at some point.
Speaker:Track 3: But I'm sure they own like ambulance companies and shit, right?
Speaker:Track 3: They have their fingers in all of the pies.
Speaker:Track 2: Dead body or whatever.
Speaker:Track 3: Or she was technically dead and perhaps brain dead and they.
Speaker:Track 1: Saved her or something.
Speaker:Track 3: They saved her with the severance procedure to an extent and created like a
Speaker:Track 3: new personality or something.
Speaker:Track 2: Her body was burnt. Remember her whole body was burnt when Marques identified her.
Speaker:Track 3: Yes.
Speaker:Track 2: So that's why I think they just didn't kill her. I think they took her.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah.
Speaker:Track 2: But then where the fuck is her Audi?
Speaker:Track 3: I don't think she has one. I think she's just always there. I think she lives there.
Speaker:Track 2: That's what my husband thought And my heart broke when he told me that. I was like, don't.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah, I think she was like horribly injured and she had a very severe TBI and
Speaker:Track 3: may have been brain dead at some point or in some kind of coma or something. And they in.
Speaker:Track 3: in the most opportunistic way they're like well maybe we can i don't know we
Speaker:Track 3: could do something with this like maybe she wasn't horribly burned some other
Speaker:Track 3: random body who knows and uh they just did it maybe similar to the severance
Speaker:Track 3: procedure i don't know i have like so many thoughts about this clearly technology that.
Speaker:Track 1: They don't that like we don't know like that we don't know.
Speaker:Track 2: It's below that floor it's lower than
Speaker:Track 2: the basement yeah i don't know what happened to
Speaker:Track 2: jimma but all i know is this
Speaker:Track 2: show will be dead to me if mark s and jimma do not reunite
Speaker:Track 2: in some capacity like it i was i've actually
Speaker:Track 2: been reading um the show was supposed to have
Speaker:Track 2: lots of like almost mentions to the office and parks
Speaker:Track 2: and rec so my hope is is that this love
Speaker:Track 2: plot will end almost like if not like them fully being back together like casino
Speaker:Track 2: night in the office where it's like a little smooch and then like a see you
Speaker:Track 2: never again like even if it's just that they have to reconnect i don't know
Speaker:Track 2: what happened to her frankly i don't care because i just know it's evil things
Speaker:Track 2: and i just need her to be back with marquez yeah.
Speaker:Track 3: They need to be together it's just it's so it's so
Speaker:Track 3: sad but the thing that the thing to i don't know the shitty thing maybe not
Speaker:Track 3: with mark so much now that he's like reintegrating but surely the case with
Speaker:Track 3: almost at least two of the people that we really like is that once they're on
Speaker:Track 3: set like once this all ends they're not good those people half of them aren't
Speaker:Track 3: going half of each person is not going to exist anymore more than.
Speaker:Track 2: Likely is gone yeah irving is gone do.
Speaker:Track 1: You think he's off the show for sure.
Speaker:Track 3: I don't want him to be i like him so much his.
Speaker:Track 2: Character is so baby girl his character is so baby girl and i loved what they
Speaker:Track 2: did with him and burr like genuinely that like took me by surprise and then it was like,
Speaker:Track 2: one of my favorite like relationships in the
Speaker:Track 2: whole show i don't know i just he's so baby girl he's
Speaker:Track 2: like oh i've got to go to o and d like i can't hear you mark i've
Speaker:Track 2: got to go to o and d oh i love him
Speaker:Track 2: i'm sad he's gone um i
Speaker:Track 2: don't think his audi okay here's a different
Speaker:Track 2: theory my husband told me this one he thinks
Speaker:Track 2: that irving is in the resistance again against lumen
Speaker:Track 2: in his audi and so i
Speaker:Track 2: would love to believe that to be true and if that is true that he's not off
Speaker:Track 2: the show his innie is his outie is not maybe he'll integrate i could see that
Speaker:Track 2: too because why like he's painting constantly he's just not well i think the
Speaker:Track 2: only thing he does is paint below the basement floor and resist and hang out with his dog.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah and he has a lot of money i don't know exactly what that's about like um,
Speaker:Track 3: when once his face came to the door he's like oh is it what did he break i have
Speaker:Track 3: cash inside like how much cash do you have inside why do you have so much cash.
Speaker:Track 2: Wait and he was like he treated mr milchick
Speaker:Track 2: like his audi treated him like he was like 12
Speaker:Track 2: what's for real like his audi was not okay with him and that is not like irving's
Speaker:Track 2: any at all irving's any is super like well he it used to be and his audi was
Speaker:Track 2: super like what why the fuck are you here what do you want nothing is going
Speaker:Track 2: on do not ask me questions to me that's very much so giving resistance.
Speaker:Track 1: Well especially the fact that he was able to figure out that heli was lying
Speaker:Track 1: to them like he's known this whole time he's putting things together like he
Speaker:Track 1: understands the hallway.
Speaker:Track 2: He clearly.
Speaker:Track 1: And especially if he has that military background he's able to you know maybe
Speaker:Track 1: piece things together in a way that the other ones haven't been able to do because
Speaker:Track 1: they're just not trained he's.
Speaker:Track 3: Very shrewd he's just very yeah he's a very intuitive shrewd man notices things.
Speaker:Track 2: I almost think it was like a cover like irving is so cure
Speaker:Track 2: bless cure praise cure i love lumen as
Speaker:Track 2: a cover waiting for his other workers to show
Speaker:Track 2: solidarity so then he could be like actually i will
Speaker:Track 2: play my cards when y'all want to know or need to know i.e i've known heli was
Speaker:Track 2: not heli this whole time and i'm not going to do that and like tell anybody
Speaker:Track 2: until it's like of utmost importance because also they weren't listening to
Speaker:Track 2: him i really hate and shows when somebody's being so clearly obviously correct
Speaker:Track 2: and everyone's like no you're crazy stop yeah.
Speaker:Track 3: It's like it's like the thing and i know it's necessary for plot development
Speaker:Track 3: but sometimes all it takes is
Speaker:Track 3: one fucking conversation just clear up the stupidest misunderstanding that.
Speaker:Track 2: Causes all this like craziness and like i'm.
Speaker:Track 3: Like jesus christ like i guess i get it but mother fuck just talk to each other.
Speaker:Track 2: Just listen to irving yeah.
Speaker:Track 1: I I also think for Heli or Helena's, you know, reason to come in was clearly
Speaker:Track 1: her main was for Mark S, just personal.
Speaker:Track 1: But in some ways, I think she also wants to see things get fucked up.
Speaker:Track 1: Like, I think she doesn't like Milchik at all. And this, you know,
Speaker:Track 1: embarrasses him, makes him look bad. It does.
Speaker:Track 1: So, I don't know. Maybe this, like, paves the way for, like,
Speaker:Track 1: Cobell to come back or I don't know.
Speaker:Track 1: like they have characters that seem to you know
Speaker:Track 1: they have a larger role and they kind of have them step back and
Speaker:Track 1: like i don't know they could i yeah i don't know i think that irv is not
Speaker:Track 1: off the show i think he is the outie from now on and maybe he tries to like
Speaker:Track 1: meet up with marcas in real life to try and convince him like recruit people
Speaker:Track 1: like it does and like very much his like marcas's sister is very suspicious
Speaker:Track 1: of all of this she's trying to help him and so yeah oh one last thing So Marcus's brother-in-law,
Speaker:Track 1: the guy who wrote like the weird book,
Speaker:Track 1: which you can actually now read some chapters from it in like the real world.
Speaker:Track 2: I have to go read it.
Speaker:Track 1: I read it. It's very weird, but.
Speaker:Track 1: Why is it that he's willing to work with Milchak to create a version of this book for this?
Speaker:Track 3: Because he's a fucking bullshit artist.
Speaker:Track 2: So there's a theory that he's a part of the Eagans or whatever.
Speaker:Track 2: I think that's ridiculous.
Speaker:Track 2: I almost think that, had y'all seen him in any other TV show,
Speaker:Track 2: because he was in Orange is the New Black.
Speaker:Track 3: I was going to say, yeah. He was Piper's brother, right? Or, yeah.
Speaker:Track 2: And his character is almost the exact fucking same.
Speaker:Track 2: just like just very crunchy i think
Speaker:Track 2: he just exists for like comedic relief and that he knows nothing
Speaker:Track 2: of what's actually going on in this world and he
Speaker:Track 2: overvalues relationships with people he shouldn't mark s and
Speaker:Track 2: like it's just not well i think that he's
Speaker:Track 2: looking for external validation a lot his character so any
Speaker:Track 2: corporation coming to him and being like we want to rewrite your
Speaker:Track 2: book he'd been like oh yes yes like i can't i don't think it's anything deeper
Speaker:Track 2: i could be wrong because they don't do that a lot in the show but i think his
Speaker:Track 2: character really is for comedic relief and to develop the plot of like how do
Speaker:Track 2: they start radicalizing in the workplace they need this book.
Speaker:Track 1: He's a shill he'll just do whatever you know for.
Speaker:Track 2: Whatever i think i.
Speaker:Track 3: Think on lumen's part it's just that you know if they can make the innies think
Speaker:Track 3: they're giving them something that they already want they're going to take that
Speaker:Track 3: opportunity but they're going to give.
Speaker:Track 2: Them the bare.
Speaker:Track 3: Minimum and it's not going to be in the way they expected you know it's a.
Speaker:Track 2: Pizza party.
Speaker:Track 3: But it's from dominoes and it doesn't have any toppings and it's enough for
Speaker:Track 3: everybody to have like one slice like and that's what you get.
Speaker:Track 2: You better.
Speaker:Track 3: Be happy for it because at least they got us pizza.
Speaker:Track 1: Well we think that we think that they let lumen planted the original version
Speaker:Track 1: of the book so they could see it.
Speaker:Track 2: No milchak was just being ridiculous i don't know what he was doing but he left
Speaker:Track 2: the book out and mark s wasn't who found it like again my husband was like mark
Speaker:Track 2: s is gonna find that book mark s is gonna find the book it was irving and irving
Speaker:Track 2: read the whole thing and memorized the entire thing so yeah.
Speaker:Track 3: He's really good at that yeah.
Speaker:Track 2: He's well trained.
Speaker:Track 1: He's he's a smart he's.
Speaker:Track 2: Like the smartest one of.
Speaker:Track 1: Them all it seems like.
Speaker:Track 2: I think he may be autistic coded but i could just be wrong like he very much
Speaker:Track 2: so just like the who can retain information like that i've never met a neurotypical
Speaker:Track 2: person that can just retain information like that yeah.
Speaker:Track 3: No that's true.
Speaker:Track 1: I would like it if my office did one of these Ortbos where they go out to the,
Speaker:Track 1: I don't remember what the letters meant, but it was like a.
Speaker:Track 3: Outdoor retreat.
Speaker:Track 2: Outdoor.
Speaker:Track 3: Team building. Occurrence.
Speaker:Track 1: Oh, occurrence. Occurrence.
Speaker:Track 3: That's like the weird word. They could have like made it into like,
Speaker:Track 3: you know how when they make a, when they finally try to put something into law,
Speaker:Track 3: but it's like kind of stupid, but they, it seems like they spent like more time
Speaker:Track 3: coming up with the words for the acronym so they could make like the.
Speaker:Track 3: The crab act or whatever.
Speaker:Track 2: Like yeah like yeah like oh we have to make it sound good in the acronym the
Speaker:Track 2: patriot act is everybody no literally they're like just come up with a word
Speaker:Track 2: and we will make it work yeah.
Speaker:Track 1: We'll just make up a word if we have to we.
Speaker:Track 3: Will come up with a law to fit the word give me a word any word the cheese law you got it.
Speaker:Track 1: So now i have uh maybe maybe this could be the last question i don't know or
Speaker:Track 1: last thing what do you have as far as like predictions for the rest of the season
Speaker:Track 1: like what would be like a grand thing that i mean because there's there's still,
Speaker:Track 1: seven nine episodes left right there's 13 12.
Speaker:Track 2: Oh thank god oh that's i was gonna be like it's funny where i only get like
Speaker:Track 2: four episodes and i have to wait 10.
Speaker:Track 1: Episodes so there's gonna be six more.
Speaker:Track 2: How many there's 10 years for always sunny 20 years 20 it came out in 2005 right
Speaker:Track 2: holy fuck i was five years old wait what i said again shows always funny oh.
Speaker:Track 1: Yeah that's been going on for yeah forever.
Speaker:Track 2: I love that shit sorry grant.
Speaker:Track 1: Any any like things that you like want to see i guess so like but what would be.
Speaker:Track 2: Miss casey and jimma or slash jimma marcus have to be together i kind of want
Speaker:Track 2: helena to like break free but i also want her to be punished which is not very,
Speaker:Track 2: abolitionist of me, but we're just going to let it slide for right now.
Speaker:Track 3: She can be punished. She's not going to put her in jail or anything. She can make,
Speaker:Track 3: Appropriate recompense.
Speaker:Track 2: Yeah.
Speaker:Track 1: So go into that weird room where they have to like say weird phrases over and over.
Speaker:Track 2: Yes, but as Helena, not as Helena.
Speaker:Track 3: Well, they changed the break room though.
Speaker:Track 2: Yeah, what the fuck's the break? Okay. Anyway, those are my like absolute needs, desires.
Speaker:Track 2: Oh, I need to see Mark S. happy for like an extended period, like an episode or two.
Speaker:Track 2: Like this is too much. she's sad constantly and
Speaker:Track 2: i get it but it's it's it's making me sad too like this
Speaker:Track 2: whole show is very eerie and sad so those are my needs and ones from the show
Speaker:Track 2: please and thank you ben siller and what's the other guy eric adderson dan erickson
Speaker:Track 2: you're close actually those not at all they It sounded about right.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah.
Speaker:Track 3: Shit, I don't know. I want to see... Did they say if he was going to get more
Speaker:Track 3: family visits or it was just the one time?
Speaker:Track 1: Based on, like... That's a good one.
Speaker:Track 2: Though.
Speaker:Track 1: Something to do with good behavior.
Speaker:Track 2: Oh, you have to, like, do good. Be a good boy.
Speaker:Track 3: So I would like to see more of that. I would like to see...
Speaker:Track 3: I would like to see if there's... Are they still offering the waffle parties?
Speaker:Track 3: If so, I would like to see him turn one down because he gets so attached to his Audi wife.
Speaker:Track 3: I just think that they're cute and I just want them to like each other.
Speaker:Track 3: You know, I want Dylan and his Audi wife to like each other a lot and develop
Speaker:Track 3: a nice little relationship.
Speaker:Track 3: Because would it be cheating? I don't know. But I'm interested in the ethics of that.
Speaker:Track 2: I feel like my Audi would be super offended. Because I'm like, well, I'm not there.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah.
Speaker:Track 1: Well, I made this joke that all of the annies are like virgins.
Speaker:Track 2: Or virgins. Evan, I thought of you when I watched season four today.
Speaker:Track 2: And I was like, oh my gosh, two of them are finally not virgins.
Speaker:Track 2: Also, I literally said, I was like, how do they even know how to have sex?
Speaker:Track 2: They're literally virgins. Like, not just that they're virgins,
Speaker:Track 2: but, like, did they teach them about what sex was when they created their innies?
Speaker:Track 3: So the weird thing, so when she's on the table and they're asking her the questions
Speaker:Track 3: and stuff, the personal questions she can't answer.
Speaker:Track 3: But then they ask her stuff like, what's the capital of somewhere?
Speaker:Track 3: Like, name a couple of U.S. states or something, and she knows that.
Speaker:Track 3: So they retain, like, worldly knowledge.
Speaker:Track 2: It's their memory that are not spatially aware.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah.
Speaker:Track 2: You're right.
Speaker:Track 1: Like, factual awareness is, like, acceptable, but not memories.
Speaker:Track 3: How the fuck do they, how do they, I don't get it.
Speaker:Track 2: That's so weird you're right and they had to think so hard about that because
Speaker:Track 2: like mark s saw fire in the episode today and it was like his first time seeing
Speaker:Track 2: fire and i was like oh shit this is his first time seeing fire like that's crazy
Speaker:Track 2: conventionalized so it's hard for me to distinct like what.
Speaker:Track 3: Is just fact.
Speaker:Track 2: And what is like your memory.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah because i'm as he's holding it i'm like oh god don't like touch it it's
Speaker:Track 3: hot and then i'm like wait no he knows he knows what fire is though like he's
Speaker:Track 3: not like a baby he knows what fire.
Speaker:Track 2: Is he just.
Speaker:Track 3: Hasn't seen it he's kind of a baby but he's not like a baby baby so he's not
Speaker:Track 3: gonna touch it so yeah yeah like a.
Speaker:Track 2: 10 year old baby.
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah yeah like a 10 year old baby yeah so i hope okay so i hope those two get
Speaker:Track 3: to hang out a little bit more um i hope that we find out what's going on with
Speaker:Track 3: cobell because when they left it off with her she was saying that she would
Speaker:Track 3: only come back if she could be she she wanted to be ahead at the severed floor again.
Speaker:Track 2: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker:Track 3: So I want to see... I want to know when we're going to see her again.
Speaker:Track 3: I hope it's soon because I'm kind of invested in her whole deal.
Speaker:Track 3: I want to know whose friggin' CPAP machine mask that was and what her sad story
Speaker:Track 3: is that made her feel like, well, I'm already detached.
Speaker:Track 3: I don't have to be severed. I can be in charge of the people who are and give
Speaker:Track 3: my whole life to this crappy company.
Speaker:Track 3: And I don't think we'll find out this season any of the huge questions, but...
Speaker:Track 3: I do want to know what Mark on the outside plans to do, knowing what he knows now.
Speaker:Track 3: Like, is he also going to be working to figure out what's going on with his wife?
Speaker:Track 2: I just assume they're going to tell us that. I hope anyway. Like,
Speaker:Track 2: I have just assumed they're going to tell us that. They have to, right?
Speaker:Track 3: Yeah. I just, like, they have to. I just, I never know what to expect going
Speaker:Track 3: into an episode if it's going to show us anything of the outies or if it's going to be all any.
Speaker:Track 3: I am glad to finally understand what the deal is with them all in the winter
Speaker:Track 3: clothes because I was like the title card when you scroll past up for like A
Speaker:Track 3: long time and I'm like, what the hell is this? Why are they outside?
Speaker:Track 2: Yeah.
Speaker:Track 1: I want them to, I mean, I, I, I like, I want to see more Audi,
Speaker:Track 1: just more stuff on the outside.
Speaker:Track 1: I mean, I get that that's not the only focus. I want to see more of that.
Speaker:Track 1: My grand thing I would love to see at the end of the season is Irv showing up
Speaker:Track 1: in Milchak and just shooting him in the head, just killing him, murdering him. or just.
Speaker:Track 2: Like that is good that is a good one.
Speaker:Track 1: I mean i don't necessarily think that could happen but i could see him if he's
Speaker:Track 1: in this resistance and he's like clearly he has kind of like snapped and is
Speaker:Track 1: no longer a believer of like the cult mentality anymore he's realized they're
Speaker:Track 1: just screwing him in some way i could see him just snapping and doing something crazy i.
Speaker:Track 3: Don't think i think he would take him prisoner i think it would like hold him.
Speaker:Track 1: In his house or.
Speaker:Track 3: Something he's got a basement yeah
Speaker:Track 3: he sees like how do you like being in a basement you're about to find out.
Speaker:Track 1: Yeah yeah.
Speaker:Track 2: The irving suffered floor.
Speaker:Track 1: He makes him stare at his paintings for like hours like while listening to some
Speaker:Track 1: crazy ass music or something oh.
Speaker:Track 2: That's a good one i like that one evan.
Speaker:Track 1: Yeah it's that's i can't like both of yours are like the more wholesome like
Speaker:Track 1: things i like to definitely still see but i don't know yours is.
Speaker:Track 2: A different way.
Speaker:Track 1: In a different.
Speaker:Track 3: Way yeah it's a different flavor
Speaker:Track 3: of wholesome but it's valid it's very righteous yeah it's bad you guys.
Speaker:Track 1: Yeah but uh yeah so anyone watch the
Speaker:Track 1: show watch it again watch it definitely do
Speaker:Track 1: all of those things and we will come back to either bring
Speaker:Track 1: you uh one or two more episodes on season two of severance and um i feel like
Speaker:Track 1: i need to like record myself like when we're talking off this of all like the
Speaker:Track 1: theories we have that like don't end up like they'll get left on the cutting
Speaker:Track 1: room floor you know things that we just there's just so many theories you can
Speaker:Track 1: come up on this show so So,
Speaker:Track 1: uh, but, uh, Red and Spirk, thank you, uh, for, for talking about severance.
Speaker:Track 3: Thank you so much. So much fun.
Speaker:Track 1: And now you can go back to your, your, you can return to your normal,
Speaker:Track 1: your, well, actually, no, that would be terrible if you would not remember talking
Speaker:Track 1: about severance when that suck.
Speaker:Track 3: That would be a bummer. Well, you can just listen to it later.
Speaker:Track 1: That's true. Assuming that I would allow that in the, uh, in the, yeah, well, no.
Speaker:Track 2: Are you going to be cruel to us in your severance?
Speaker:Track 1: No.
Speaker:Track 2: Existence?
Speaker:Track 1: No, there's pizza parties and waffle parties on both sides for everyone.
Speaker:Track 2: Oh, hell yeah.
Speaker:Track 1: Anyway, we'll catch you next time on Left of the Projector.