Episode 99
Solaris (1972) with RevLeft Radio and Amanda Joy Moon
This week on Left of the Projector, we delve into the world of Soviet cinema. The first installment of a new series on Andrei Tarkovsky is Solaris. This film is a journey inward, a exploration of self.
I am excited to have Breht O'Shea, of Revolutionary Left (RevLeft) Radio and back on the show, Amanda Joy Moon.
Amanda Joy Moon:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amandajoymoon/
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/riotgrrrlprintz/?etsrc=sdt
TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@amandajoymoon
Guerrilla History: https://www.revolutionaryleftradio.com/guerrilla-history
Red Menace: https://www.revolutionaryleftradio.com/#/redmenace/
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